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Pedro Castillo’s Political ideas


Pedro Castillo’s flagship proposal is the change of the entire Political Constitution of
our country; that involves new articles which endanger the free market economic
model that has been used in Peru for more than 30 years. The threat of this is the fact
that his political party has an ideology of radical left with ties to a terrorist

An important thing he talked about is about the withdrawal of Peru from the Alianza
del Pacífico, Acuerdo Transpacífico other commercial treaties with foreign cultures
with the idea that they transformed Peru in a “commercial colony”. He stated that he
will renegotiate these treaties.

He also spoke about monopolies and big corporations, stating that they commit
abuses to their customers by intendedly charging high sums of capital for basic
services such as gas and medicines. Continuing these ideas, he said the following: “We
don’t intend to nationalize the economy or make an intent to change exchange
policies, not even remotely”. These creates uncertainty between foreign investors.

Another point he tackled was national security, talking great about farmer’s rondas
and setting them as an example of how to keep the people safe, which is kind of
ironical. He also stated that foreign people with a sentence will be expulsed from Peru
within the first 72 hours of his governmental period.

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