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x SPEAKING GEP 4,5,6 -... LÌ


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1. Call a friend and thank them for helping you with a diffieult task (studying_
for an exam/shopping for a new outfit for a date, efc.)

: Hello B, how are you?

: l am fine, and what about you?

: am not so good. Ì am worried about my exam.

: lt is very common. You are serious about it, so you are worried.

: Dont philosophize, please. l am really afraid as | have no good preparation for

English. In a short time it is very difficult for me to make a success in English.

B: | think your English tearning method is not so good. You should learn some basic
of English if you want to do welL in English.

A: You are right. Besides, I shoutd improve my writing skil( to do wetl in English.
B: It is okay. You wilL do better if you read English regularly.

A: Thank you for your encouragement. To speak the truth, I am afraid as | couldn't
secure more than 50% marks in English in the last examination.

B: No matter. You are a good student. l hope you would be able to make up for the |
A: Now tell me about your preparation.

paid equal attention to alL the subjects. So, l am not worried about any particulai
Pject. Now | am revising alL the subjects.

A: Very welL. You are always studious and laborious. You did not waste your time.
have also made a good preparation.

B: Do not mention it. But it is true that l read regularly and emphasize on all

A: Excellent! Hope you wiL do better in the examination. Thank you.

B: You are most welcome. Hope you wilL also do better.

(A: Oh, Waitl. You can come to my house, we'lL study together.
B : There's one problem. WilL my parents allow me?

: Pm sure, they wilL. Are you coming to my house tomorrow?

B: Sure. But wilL you help me?

: Ì promise al( help. Don”t you worry.

B: Thanks. I"IL join you.)

2. Explain why you are thankful for the people in your life (friends & family).
your personal experiences.

A:In my life, family is the r

parents, my eldest and youll

of thank you to my

B: Yes, agreed with you. Do

vour familv?

Ersonal experiences about

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