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Final Writing Exercise Transformational Learning Review the Transformational Change section in Chapter 5 of your textbook.

. In two to three paragraphs, (1) describe the transformational learning process, using the textbook as a source, and (2) identify a transformational learning experience from your own life (past or present), (3) discussing at least one of Mezirows seven phases as it applies to your experience (You can discuss a phase that you have experienced, or are in the middle of experiencing). Consider the potential for learning that lies in untapped areas in the human brain. Learning invites You to be courageous, to tap into these resources, to explore beyond comfortable boundaries,Such

exploration can be spontaneousand often isbecause learning opportunities present themselves unexpectedly. Consider the potential for learning that lies in untapped areas in the human brain. Learning invites you to be courageous, to tap into these resources, to explore beyond comfortable boundaries. Such exploration can be spontaneousand often isbecause learning opportunities present themselves unexpectedly. Consider the potential for learning that lies in untapped areas in the human brain. Learning invites you to be courageous, to tap into these resources, to explore beyond comfortable boundaries.Reflection enables you to burrow into the source of your intentions. When you understand what motivates you to seek change and growth, you can begin to develop a planned approach. Some years ago, Jack Mezirow (1991) conducted research on adults engaged in transformational change and identified seven phases typically occurring in the challenging learning process, discussing at least one of Mezirows seven phases as it applies to my experience is Critical assessment of assumptions,

Mezirow defines learning as a meaning making activity: "Learning is understood as the process of using a prior interpretation to construe a new or a revised interpretation of the meaning of one's experience in order to guide future action." Lastly but its new to me Experiencing a disorienting dilemma Underlying much of what we do in higher education is the often unstated assumption that a college education is a transformative experience. Inventing new curricula that advance liberal education outcomes for all students,Through first-year seminars and programs, newly revitalized general education programs, learning communities, undergraduate research programs, community-based diversity projects, and interdisciplinary programs, are redefining the meaning and practice of liberal education for the twenty-first century.

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