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Father C Rodrigues Institute of Management Studies

MMS- Semester 3 July-Oct. 2011 H.R. [3.3.6] Labor Legislations Electiv es


100 marks

SR.NO. PARTICULARS 1. Introduction:1. Self Introduction exercise 2. Why you have selected HR as a


career? 3. Do you know how many careers are in HR? (PPT-16) 4. Why study of Labor Legislation is necessary? 5. How Labor Laws are helping you as a student, professional and as a citizen? 6. Academic and Operational Knowledge 7. Background of Labor Laws 8. Difference between Employment & Labor Laws 9. Basic history of Indian Labor Legislation as an International Law 10. Basic Legal frame work 11. Difference of study as LLM/ LLB/ BGL & MBA Laws/ Custom/ Practices & Justice Outline of Labor Legislations & its impact on 02 HR Professionals 2.1 2.2 History of Labor Legislations Pre-independence
12. Legislation/ Agreements/ Case


2.3 ILO efforts as Conventions/ Standards and ILO & India 2.4 Post Independence/ Globalization/ Recessation 2.5 Current trends especially pre & post Globalization & recession 2.6 Role of HR Professional in changing situation 2.7 2.8 T Plan [Teaching/ Session Plan] Evaluation plan


2.9 Study process and suggestion of books & reading materials Coverage of Labor Legislations Appointment Related

03 Employment Exchange Recruitment of SC/ST & OBC

Wage Related

Apprentice Act Minimum Wages Act Payment of Wages Act Payment of Bonus Act Equal Remuneration Act Factories Act Contract Labor Act


05 & 06 07 &

Working Condition Related


Industrial Relations related

Shops & Establishment Act Standing Orders Industrial Dispute Act Bombay Industrial Relations Act Trade Union Act

09 & 10

Social Security related

ESI PF Payment of Gratuity Act Workmens compensation Act Maternity Benefit Act Equal Remuneration [Disability] Rehabilitation Council of India Sexual Harassment HIV + Appointment


Special Protection related


Practical Operation of Labor Legislations


Office of the Commissioner of Labor Government of Maharashtra [Industry, Energy & Labor Dept.] Judiciaries [Labor/ Industrial/ High & Apex Court] Mediators like Advocates, Social Workers, Bhais Associations of Employers and Trade Unions Parliament and Apex Court Maximum Bench of Apex Court


Overview of all Labor Legislations from Examination aspect


Prepared and Emailed on 15-05-2011. CST/-

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