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Unit 8

Write predictions about how five different jobs will change in the future

1. The farmer will be more atomized since the technology evolves rapidly.
2. The doctors will have help from the robots.
3. Teachers will have to learn about computer science as new technologies
will be used more.
4. Lawyers will have to learn new laws as they change quickly.
5. Those who work in oil will have to use new energy as oil is running out.

Write about your work plans for the future.

Currently I work in an office, I have several plans at the moment, I would love to
have a quieter job and maybe start a family. I love my country, but I think I
would like to live in another country when I have everything done, it is
something very fun and requires a lot of effort. My best plan is to graduate as a
systems engineer, it is very difficult, but it is necessary to be able to support
myself and also because I am very passionate about it.
Read the text on page 69, then complete exercise 3 on page 68.

1 What do most people do when they are bored?

Watch videos, play games, talk with your friends, or listen to music.

2 How did the scientists use the plastic cups to test people’s creativity?
They gave glasses to half the people, these people had to copy their contact list
before touching the glass, that half of the people had better creativity than the
other half who only gave the glasses without first doing a boring activity.

3 What activity did some people do first to make themselves be bored?

They had to read phone numbers from a long list and copy them onto a piece of
4 Who was more creative in the experiment? What ideas did they have?
The group that read contact numbers before the experiments, some of the ideas
were: make hats with the glasses or fill them with juices to make them ice cream.

5 What does Jack White do to give himself ideas for new songs?
In his spare time, he repairs furniture so that he can get bored and have good

6 What kinds of activities make us more / less creative?

Listen to music, read news, play video games, or send messages.

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