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The life of my parents with my current age.

My current life is that of working in an office and studying a lot, it is very different
from what my parents' life was like at my current age. The times are different,
although sometimes some things are shared.
My parents worked a lot as merchants, they loved traveling and doing business of
all kinds. They used to go on vacation often. They studied for a long time, but they
never liked college, so they focused more on business. My father traveled a lot to
buy things and my mother took care of other things, they made a good team. At my
age they had already managed to buy a house, as for me I haven't bought anything
at all, I suppose that inflation affects a lot.
My life is very quiet, and I don't think I'll be as energetic as my parents, but we're
still good people and that won't affect our winning mentality. Today my parents
have a quieter life, I hope one day to have that energy to do things.

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