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Lưu Hoàng Thanh Ngân - 030436200111

I. Section A. Quiz
1. English 8. Asian
2. Cornish 9. Northern Ireland
3. Welsh 10. Double-barrelled
4. God save the Queen 11. About 40%
5. Scotland 12. My partner
6. Wales 13. England generally
7. Caribbean 14. Humour
II. Section B. Summary


In Britain, just like anywhere else in the world, people find it easier to mix with other people
whom they consider to be in some way ‘the same’ as them. But how they decide who is like them
and who is not? In some parts of the world, they feel closest to people who are in the same ethnic
group as themselves or who come from the same locality or who are in the same economic
circumstances. But for most people in Britain, the main criterion is not ethnicity. Neither is it
geography or wealth. Of course, these aspects play a role. But the major criteria in Britain seem
to be occupation, level of education, everday habits, and general attitudes. It is the combination
of these things which in Britain can be described as social class and the major clue that people
use to deduce a person’s class is language especially accent.

III. Section C. British words and phrase

1. Bulldog spirit - courage, determination, and refusal to surrender (often used with
reference to the British
2. The Notting Hill Carnival - the largest annual street festival in Europe
3. Teenager – a person in the age group 13-19
4. Posh - clothes, speech or other behaviour which seems (to the person using this word) to
be high class and perhaps pretentious
Lưu Hoàng Thanh Ngân - 030436200111

5. Gender - The social and identify aspects of being male or female

6. Sectarian – Behaviour which is negative towards members of another religious group
7. Geordie – a person who comes from Newcatsle

I. Section A. Quiz
1. They don’t like silences 9. In a village
2. Very tall 10. About 50%
3. About average weight 11. A raised platform in which birds can
4. About 10 minutes feed
5. s/he’s got common sense 12. 2 men
6. they want things to be fair 13. Their jobs
7. April 14. foxhunting
8. The metric system

II. Section B. Summary


It is possible to generalize about the attitudes of British people. However, there are three reasons
for being cautious when doing so. The first is that popular stereotypes often lag behind changed
reality. For example, Britain sometimes has a reputation for being a traditional country. But the
fact that the British value tradition does not mean that they practice it. Most people, for example,
think fondly of the traditional ‘British breakfast’, but they hardly ever eat it. The second reason
concerns the confusion between Britain and England. Of course, English culture dominates
Britain. Nevertheless, there are some supposedly typical British attitudes. Anti-intellectualism is
an example. Finally, it should be remembered that Britain is a multicultural society where some
ethnic groups hold attitudes which diverge considerably from mainstream.
Lưu Hoàng Thanh Ngân - 030436200111

III. Section C. British words and phrases

1. Zebra crossing
2. Loophole
3. Allotments
4. A jumble sale
5. Stiff upper lip
IV. Section D. Matching
1. The Ramblers’ association
2. Neighborhood watch
3. The National trust
Lưu Hoàng Thanh Ngân - 030436200111
Lưu Hoàng Thanh Ngân - 030436200111

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