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. Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to land with a
high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under the ocean. The
quake can be caused by land erosion, sifted plate, an erupted volcano as well as a
meteoroid that falls in the ocean. Tsunami usually happens if the size of the earthquake
exceed until 7 on the Richter scale. This tsunami is quite dangerous, mainly for those who
live around the beach. With great force, it will sweep out whatever around it. From all causes
of tsunami, earthquake is the major cause.
An earthquake on the bottom of sea gives rise to an affliction of the sea water that caused by
the change of the profile of the ocean floor that generally occurs because of a tectonics
earthquake and perpendicular (vertical) ground motion with the surface of the sea water or
earth surface. If the movements of the ground are horizontal on the surface of the sea, there
will not happen tsunami.

Istilah "tsunami" berasal dari Jepang yang berarti pelabuhan ("tsu") dan gelombang ("nami").
Tsunami adalah serangkaian gelombang yang dihasilkan ketika air di danau atau laut
dengan cepat berpindah dalam skala besar.

Tsunami dapat dihasilkan ketika dasar laut tiba-tiba berdeformasi dan secara vertikal
memindahkan air di atasnya. Gerakan vertikal yang begitu besar pada kerak bumi dapat
terjadi pada batas lempeng. Subduksi gempa bumi sangat efektif dalam menghasilkan
tsunami, dan terjadi di mana lempeng samudera yang lebih padat menyelinap di bawah
lempeng benua.

Tsunami selalu membawa kerusakan besar. Sebagian besar kerusakan disebabkan oleh
massa besar air di belakang depan gelombang awal, ketika ketinggian laut terus naik
dengan cepat dan banjir kuat bergerak kedalam area pesisir.

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