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First, I drew a class of 2-3 years, because I work in a early child school, his

name is EBM El Tren and is my ideal class.

There are two tables, one of this it save on the wall and the second it divide on
other table. There are furniture at the same height that the children for develop
their autonomy. There are "corners", “basket of treasures “, heuristic game,
space for relax, space for reading or watch the books, a big corner of music,
space for psychomotricity, and others. And there are spaces of sensorial
because Maria Montessori says that children develop better when they
experiment with sensorial motorskills. (Velez,2011)

First, I drew a class of 2-3 years, because I work in a early child school, his
name is EBM El Tren and is my ideal class.

The windows are very big because are in all the wall in front of the garden.

There are a one wall to draw with chalks or "tacks".

There are three toilets, baskets and taps too.

Our classroom has been designed for Primary students, especially those who
are at mid cycle (8-9 years old). When my classmates do this activity I wasn’t
stay with their and I did not say my ideas.

There are some Pedagogical practices:

–Round tables:

–Reading and reflection corner:


–Garden and orchard:



–Exposition zone

–Closet, laptops and games:

And the some important decisions that we change are: lightning, a reading
corner, garden for work with nature, soft floor, do not fall into monotony,
And the final draw are: 
- Recycling area
- suggestion box
- music area
- area of presentations within the class (not wall)
- tables that move / divide
Velez, L. (2011): Montessori y el desarrollo de los sentidos. Consulted in:

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