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Activity 3.

5: Restaurant Reviews Page CSS

Now that you’re familiar with CSS, let’s make the previous activity a bit more visually appealing.
We’ll start where we left off with the restaurant document.

1. Open your text editor and use the open command to open the HTML you created in
activity 2.6.

2. Immediately save that document as activity3.5.html. Make sure you save it somewhere
easy to find so you don’t have to search for the file later. We don’t want to accidently
save over your previous work.

3. Display the HTML code in a browser so you can see how it’s rendered before adding
any CSS code.
4. In the <head> element of the document add a style element. Your document head
should appear like this when done:

5. Let’s style the <h1> tag so that the content within it appears in the Arial font and
centered. Add the following CSS to your style element:

h1 {
font-family: Arial;
text-align: center;

6. Save your HTML document and refresh your browser to review the result. If you did
everything correct the text “My Restaurant Reviews” now appears centered in the middle
of the screen.
7. Next style the h2 and h3 tags so they appear as you would like. You can try adjusting
font sizes, colors, or other aspects of the text until you are pleased with how they look.

8. Adjust the unordered list so they appear with a custom bullet graphic. You can search
Google and find a bullet that you like, or design your own in a program like Photoshop.
Again refresh your document in the browser so you can see the custom bullet.

Since this is a restaurant review, I made my bullets out of tiny cheeseburgers, which
makes me hungry. You may download the burger bullet at https://s3-us-west-

9. Using CSS make any other changes to the page appearance that you wish. Be creative
and experiment. Notice that you are altering the appearance of the page, but the
content— and HTML code— is remaining the same.

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