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In Chapter 12 Author talks about “Team learning is the process of coordinating and developing a

team`s skills to achieve the results that its members truly desire. Ensemble has the talent and the
shared vision (even if you don't talk about it), but what's happening in your organization, whether
it's a management team, a product development team, or a cross-functional task force? - TEAM:
"People who need each other, Royal Dutch/Shell will be a major learning unit within the organization
because it was done in teams because it needed to be put into action. Individuals and other teams
(but there are no guarantee that we can learn together for a larger organization. He said there are
three key aspects to team learning within an organization. Here the team has to learn like an
individual team his members. There is a range of individual skill and understanding, but team
learning is about mastering the discipline of team learning, and it doesn't make sense to say "great
jazz he mastered the practice to be an ensemble. " Practice dialogue and debate, mastering two
distinct ways in which teams speak. For example, if a team member faces a conflict and learns to
resolve it without doing anything about it, or if they can only hold opinions that contribute to the
very problem they are trying to solve, this has great potential to facilitate is hidden. Mastering team
learning is therefore an important step in building a learning organization. Importantly, the power,
according to Bohm, is that the word "discussion" has the same root as percussion, suggesting
something like a game of ping-pong that is usually played "to win. " Winning, in this case, means
accepting one's opinion, and Bohm suggests what it takes to bring about such a shift in priorities.
“The purpose of dialogue is to reveal contradictions in our thinking,” Bohm says. To function,
“thinking” to get caught up in our theater of thought, prejudices remain hidden (the words “theater”
and “theory” have this when thinking begins. Dialogue is a way to help people "see representatives
and participate in acknowledging contradictions in our thinking. " In dialogue, people become
observers of their own thoughts. In dialogue, people probably recognize that there is tension, but
"it's our thoughts, not us, that are at odds. “Once we recognize the nature of people participating in
dialogue, we also begin to observe the collective nature of thought. Thus, according to Bohm, group
learning is not only possible, it is essential: "Through dialogue, people can help each other recognize
the inconsistencies in each other`s thinking, and in this way group thinking becomes more and more
coherent [from Latin] coherer — “to connect”]. Team members developed skills and understanding.
In team learning, discussions are presented with different perspectives in dialogues, different
perspectives are presented to discover new perspectives. The learning team masters moving back
and forth between dialogues and distinguishes between them. A unique relationship develops
between team members engaged in dialogue. Where dialogue expresses a unique vision of team
learning, reflection and inquiry provide the basis for building a shared vision. Similarly, reflection and
inquiry skills provide the basis for dialogue and discussion. Dealing with the “Current Reality”:
Conflicts and Defenses Contrary to popular myth, the hallmark of a good team is not the absence of
a constantly learning team. A great team that shares a common vision may have many different
ideas on how to achieve that vision. "If a CEO looks at his strategy, the fact is that in organizations
the problems caused by defensive routines are deeply embedded in the mental model of managers
who don't know what causes things, and who wants to achieve such a position It's about learning
early. In fact, defensive routines block the flow of energy within the trapped team. Conflicts
between ATP management, corporate executives and Tabor sank beneath the surface of his
defensive routine and he never joined the team. The more effective the defensive routine, the more
effectively it covers ATP's true learning needs. The more teams they rely on to avoid the real
problem - how to build a broad customer base - it turns into a defensive routine. When we become
aware of our defensive routines, seasoned managers learn to think that my communication methods
seem to shut me down. “In that sense, team learning and building a shared vision are sisters. In the
presence of a genuinely shared vision, defensive routines become just another aspect of "current
The main theme of Chapters 13-14 is "Think and Act Strategically". general idea You must think
strategically and then act to achieve satisfactory results. Ideas roar Cliché, it is the basis of success in
personal life and in business. being successful means Achieve goals related to your long-term vision.
Although it may arrive "accidentally”, The goal is pure luck. Most goals are achieved because we
think critically about how to achieve them and use them to our advantage. The main question is how
to make every step of our journey strategically meaningful. the strategy is What determines our
plans? Many people think that they are planning, but is the plan true? What matters to them is
another matter entirely. We offer various plans such as dinner plans. Travel and fitness plans. We
have all sorts of ideas for what it might look like in the end. To For example, a fitness plan might
require you to work out a certain number of hours a week and stay on a diet. Cut calories and lose
weight. We want to follow the plan and stick to it Follow him to the end. Some people stick to their
plans, others give up. for them. The one who sticks to the finish, the one who achieves the intended
goal, the one whose plan succeeds receive. The question is whether the plan leads to something else
or stops there Because planners do some fitness moves for fun at first. plan and the results achieved
do not add value to current and future development This plan lacks an element of strategic thinking
and action. As planners say, having followed a discipline throughout his fitness journey, he is missing
a fifth discipline. strategy. An example of strategic thinking is the plan to redevelop and rebuild
Japan and the West. Germany after World War II. The United States has chosen not to implement
another "treaty". of Versailles' about these defeated nations. The Treaty of Versailles after World
War I was too harsh Impose sanctions on the German Empire and its successor, Weimar Germany,
for a devastated Europe. It was Made out of the winning side's malice, revenge, malice to take
revenge on the Central Pact Lack of a comprehensive vision to prevent future conflicts. The core of
the plan is the major signatories have no strategic reason to keep it for the long term. After the war,
America fell into isolation, France and Britain were busy to rebuild the country, Germany was on the
brink of bankruptcy and could not meet Harsh and brutal reparations are then paid. It was only a
matter of time before the extremists appeared Political violence deliberately and openly violates key
provisions of the Convention and subsequently eventually shredded with little resistance and won all
public support to become a citizen Hero. The United States learned this lesson the hard way, so it
took a more strategic path How to turn a former enemy into a future strategic ally. Japan and
Germany are now is a powerful ally that strongly supports the United States as world leader. Chapter
15 Learn what it really takes to be a strategic leader.

In chapter 15 The author asks, "What is a guide?" Authors are more than readers

As a title, he or she earned it in some way. the leader is great designer. This powerful idea allows
him to dismiss his idea that a leader should always be busy micromanaging people or controlling all
the actions of other top people. History from west to east shows that leaders are at the core of
business, we connect people with different expertise to achieve our goals. Emperor Liu Bang (born
Liu Bang), founder of the great Han Dynasty of China, important social status, feudal status, or
political ties. He later charismatically rebelled and eventually collapsed the brutal Qin dynasty and its
much younger and more military-adept nemesis Xiang Yu, Then the most powerful nobles. His
nemesis sought to control every important decision, Micromanaging field generals and subjugating
his only trusted strategist, Liu Bang focused primarily on Acquire talents, increase their loyalty and
make them work. he recognized that with little support from the upper nobility, his supporters came
mainly from the lower classes. Society will be the foundation of his success. If they rise victorious, he
will triumph, He even rose. This is his philosophy of managing and guiding people. Each of its top
officials had a slim chance of winning the war on their own. his boss Operations and Supply Chain
Xiao He fought as a simple bureaucrat in the previous administration, Its Chief of War, Han Singh,
was initially a former infantryman with no army. his boss Strategist Zhang Liang failed to assassinate
the founder of Qin several times. dynasty. But when they worked together under Liu Bang's
charismatic leadership, with guidance, they have grown and achieved countless successes. Dahan
dynasty. The lesson, as the authors say, is for true leaders to design and connect systems. Enable
people to work together to carry out the organization's mission and goals

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