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Milestones matter! How the child

plays, learns, speaks, acts, and
moves offers important clues about
his or her development.

Walks up and down stairs, one

foot on each step.
Understand the idea of "mine"
and "his" or "hers“.
Can name most familiar things.
Turns book pages one at a time.

Pours, cuts with supervision,

and mashes own food
Cooperates with others.
Tells stories.
Starts to understand time..

Likes to sing, dance, and act.

Tells a simple story using full
Can draw a person.
Can use the toilet on its own.

Can tie shoelaces.

Enjoy many activities
and stays busy.
Ride bikes.
Can do simple math..


CHOC - Children’s Health of Orange County. (2021, June 29). Growth & Development: 6 to 12 Years (School Age). Children’s Health Orange
What is a Developmental Milestone? (2021, January 22). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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