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1.What type of questions does the examiner ask you in part 1 of the speaking test?

2. Do you talk to your partner during part 1?

3. How should you answer any question in part 1?

4. What type of extra questions will the examiner ask?

5. In the question “what job do you do”, how should you answer? Is answerng: I´m an accountant

6. Answer the question “do you work or are you a student” using the tips given.

7. Your answer should include 3 things: What are they?

8. What topics will be included in part 1?

9. If you don´t understand a question, what can you ask the examiner to do?

10. Answer the 3 questions:

What did you do last weekend?

Tell us about your hometown.

Do you think you will live in the same place in the future?

11. How can you improve your answers and overall score?

12. Does your answer need to be true?

13. What will the examiner show you in part 2 of the speaking test?

14. What do you have to do with the photo?

15. How long will you have to do this?

16. Do you speak to your partner in part 2?

17. How should you start part 2?

18. After a general description of the photo, what should you do?

19. You shouldn´t point! What type of words should you use?

20. Give example of prepositions of place.

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