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Assalamu'alaikum Wr.


Dear Mr. Amiruddin, S.S., M.Hum and my happy friends. Let's say thanksgiving to Allah
SWT who has given us rizky in the form of health.
As we know, our health moves from our healthy lifestyle as well. Healthy lifestyle is
important. Besides being able to make the body healthy, it can also make us avoid
disease. There are several healthy lifestyles that need to be considered, including diet,
exercise and rest.
Of course, everyone wants an ideal body and a healthy body. However, this is
considered difficult by some people because they feel lazy in themselves. Even though
to get it all quite easy
Diet must be maintained so as not to cause things we do not want, such as obesity or
even malnutrition.
Talking about a healthy diet, many people consider it a dilemma. Because everyone has
their own favorite food. There are types of healthy foods, but they don't have the
preferred taste when consumed. There are also foods that have a delicious taste but do
not contain high nutrients.
Sport is an activity that is easy to do, but is often overlooked. Even though regular
exercise can provide benefits for the health of the body.
Then we need adequate rest, because it can restore our tired body and give enough
time for the body to restore the energy that has been used.
So, we really need a healthy lifestyle because the benefits of this healthy lifestyle must
be applied starting from each of us. At first it was hard, but if you do it repeatedly, you
will get used to it over time. That's all I can say, I hope it's useful. Sorry if something
went wrong.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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