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English Essay- B2.

1 Tp8
Do you think online conspiracy theories can be dangerous?
Ariana Ferrão

Nowadays people are extremely interested in conspiracy theories. In the

past these were not as much talked because people really did not use to
think for themselves and inventing this could even be dangerous for them
because they could be seen as crazy, but now thanks to all the
technologies and information sources we have is easier and more
dangerous in different ways. Usually these theories are related to
important topics such as politics, the environment or even health, an
example is this pandemic we have been through,where many people
believed that the vaccine was not a way to fight this virus, but rather to
implement a chip in our bodies which turned out to be detrimental to the
people who believed in it and their families, mostly the old and fragile ones,
and the pain that people who suffered with Covid-19 and had to see these
denialists saying Covid isn't real.
This is because they did not believe in science and the professionals, and
chose to invent their own theories with no logical explanation. These
theories can be extremely dangerous to our society because most of them
are fake, and spread false information to those who are easily manipulated.

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