Research Paper 1

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Discrimination and bullying usually happens in school, whether

they’re elementary students, high school students or college students.
Bullying and discrimination is one of the issues that the world is facing
today, bullying was recognized in the early 1500's to the late 1800's. The
first real bullying case was when a U.S soldier committed suicide after his
mates harassed him. Bullying then reached its peak when two victims of
bullying killed their classmates in 1999 because they were sick of being
bullied, while discrimination has been around since the 1400s, beginning
when European settlers began colonizing America. Europeans, in their
quest to “civilize” people, began taking slaves and treating people who
looked different from them as inferior.
The most victim of bullying and discrimination is being different, like
for example, in school, students are being bullied by being a loner or
because of their social status. Bullying happens either they are outside or
inside the campus, the bullies do it so that other students will fear them.
The effect of bullying can be long lasting for victims including fear and
anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide. As bullied kids grow into
adults, they may continue to struggle with self-esteem, have difficulty
developing and maintaining relationships, and avoid social interactions.
They also may have a hard time trusting people. Kids who are regularly
targeted by bullies often suffer both emotional and socially. Not only do
they find it hard to make friends, but they also struggle to maintain healthy
The impacts of bullying and discrimination, response the post argues
on an ethical perspective regarding the effects of bullying and
discrimination as Rutgers University basketball players experienced it. The
student comments on how it is useful to diminish issues of bullying at
schools by exposing such traits by the responsible coaches. Not only did
the students and adults within the school learn valuable lessons about the
bullying and discrimination that was taking place within their school, but the
members of the Gay-Straight Alliance learned valuable lessons and skills
such as being able to stand up for what they believed in, advocacy and
respect for themselves, their peers and their school, which overall gained
them cultural and social capital.

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