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Computers perform many jobs that previously were performed by people.

computer-based transactions and expanded e-commerce eventually replace person to-
person contact? From a customer’s point of view, is this better? Why or why not

Yes, the latest technology that enables the delivery of computer-based e-commerce

sites is beneficial to customers. Compared to IT-based services, traditional
transactions are cumbersome, time consuming, and sometimes insecure to execute.
We have a 24/7 customer service center to reduce product complaints.
Corrections and complaints, on the other hand, take a very
long time with traditional methods. There are many benefits to using a helicopter-
based business solution for your company. As your child is educated, you will be able
to understand the features and performance of the product. However, this has a small
drawback. If he or she is ignorant, he or she will not be able to get used to computer-
based e-commerce sites. In this case, the customer prefers a personal connection to
get answers to questions about the product. However, it will take longer to
complete than the current strategy.

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