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Essay writing example

Write a 180-200 word coherent text expressing your opinion

and attitude on the following topic
Topic: Is it better to study abroad or in your own country?
1.Read the topic and try to paraphrase the words from the
better =more beneficial =advantageous /useful
abroad =other countries
study= get a degree, learn /get education
2.Think what position you are” for “and which one you are
“against “in the topic
Present the general situation of the topic in the world.
Think of linking words that can help you describe it.
Nowadays/These days, with the development of society,
technologies, transport and educational systems, teenagers
are not restricted to study only in their own countries, but
they are offered a lot of opportunities to get education
everywhere in the world. The point is which is more
beneficial. As far as I am concerned, /Personally, I would
choose studying in other countries as it gives more
advantages, even if there are some drawbacks.
4.Think of 3 ideas to present your preference. -advantages
-opportunity to travel, meet new people, discover new
-learn new things and skills
-independence in action and decision
P1 -use linking words to unite the ideas and sentences
To begin with/One advantage is studying in another
country gives the opportunity to travel, discover new places
and meet new people. Thus, the young person enlarges his
horizon by learning new customs and improves his way of
thinking. For example, studying in Japan, one may learn
good manners and good behaviour, such as respect and
great responsibility necessary for a future career. Besides,
/What is more, students learn different things and skills like
speaking different languages working in multinational teams
that will help them adapt to different life situations. Last but
not least, learning abroad means independence in action
and decisions. As a result, the young person becomes more
responsible and aware of the consequences of his
However, getting a degree abroad is frustrating at times as
everything is new and the person is always on his own
facing difficulties. Furthermore, the student should not only
focus on the studies, but also in acquiring a foreign
language that is not a piece of cake.
Taken together/ All in all, /In conclusion/To sum up,
choosing to study abroad definitely has some undoubtable
points, but students should also think of some possible

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