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Listening comprehension on p.


A man was in a building for a job interview after 6 o’clock p.m which means that everyone had left
the building. He took the lift to get to the 27th floor and the lift started to shudder and came to a
stop between the twelfth and the thirteenth floors.

At first he was tdetermined no to panick stay calm so he pushed the emergency button which didn’t
work. The phone was dead too, and nothing happened. So he started to shout and then he
hammered on the doors. Nothing happened and this is when he went to pieces. He sank to the floor
and wept like a child.

Finally, the night porter figured what was happening and called the fire brigade who saved the man.
Since then, the man has never been in a lift.


Feel-felt-felt weep-wept-wept


Sink-sank-sunk swim-swam-swum sing-sang-sung ring-rang-rung

Drink-drank-drunk begin-began-begun

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