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Differentiating the causes of adynamic bone in

advanced chronic kidney disease informs see commentary on page 502
osteoporosis treatment OPEN

Mathias Haarhaus1,2 and Pieter Evenepoel3; on behalf of the European Renal Osteodystrophy (EUROD)
workgroup, an initiative of the Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) working
group of the European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA)
Division of Renal Medicine, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; 2Diaverum Sweden AB, Malmö, Sweden; and 3Division of Nephrology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven,

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an efficacy of anti-osteoporosis pharmacotherapy in advanced
increased fracture risk because of impaired bone quality CKD.
and quantity. Low bone mineral density predicts fracture Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558;
risk in all CKD stages, including advanced CKD (CKD G4-5D). j.kint.2021.04.043
Pharmacological therapy improves bone mineral density KEYWORDS: adynamic bone disease; antiresorptive treatment; chronic kid-
and reduces fracture risk in moderate CKD. Its efficacy in ney disease; low bone turnover; osteoporosis
advanced CKD remains to be determined, although pilot Copyright ª 2021, International Society of Nephrology. Published by
Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
studies suggest a positive effect on bone mineral density.
Currently, antiresorptive agents are the most commonly
prescribed drugs for the prevention and therapy of

osteoporosis. Their use in advanced CKD has been limited steoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone
by the lack of large clinical trials and fear of causing kidney mass and/or qualitative bone deterioration that leads
dysfunction and adynamic bone disease. In recent decades, to bone fragility and fracture susceptibility.1 Areal
adynamic bone disease has evolved as the most bone mineral density (aBMD) is assessed in clinical practice
predominant form of renal osteodystrophy, commonly by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as a proxy of
associated with poor outcomes, including premature bone mass. Cross-sectional studies in the general population
mortality and progression of vascular calcification. Evolving and in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not yet on
evidence indicates that reduction of bone turnover by dialysis demonstrate an association of lower aBMD with more
parathyroidectomy or pharmacological therapies, such as severe CKD.2–6 Furthermore, aBMD was demonstrated to
calcimimetics and antiresorptive agents, are not associated predict fracture incidence in patients with advanced CKD,
with premature mortality or accelerated vascular including patients on dialysis, prompting the international
calcification in CKD. In contrast, chronic inflammation, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes initiative to
oxidative stress, malnutrition, and diabetes can induce low suggest aBMD testing in all stages of CKD if results affect
bone turnover and associate with poor prognosis. Thus, the treatment decisions.7 The consistency of the risk predicition
conditions causing suppression of bone turnover rather across stages of kidney disease, sexes, and degree of para-
than the low bone turnover per se may account for the thyroidism (PTH) control remains to be documented.8
perceived association with outcomes. Anabolic treatment, The operational definition of osteoporosis is based on an
in contrast, has been suggested to improve turnover and aBMD of # 2.5 SDs from the mean sex-matched aBMD in
bone mass in patients with advanced CKD and low bone young adults (T-score) assessed by DXA at the spine or hip.
turnover; however, uncertainty about safety even exceeds Osteoporosis is subdivided by pathomechanism into primary
that of antiresorptive agents. Here, we critically review the (postmenopausal and/or senile osteoporosis) and secondary
pathophysiological concept of adynamic bone disease and osteoporosis because of clinical disorders that affect bone
discuss the effect of low bone turnover on the safety and mass, for example, diabetes mellitus,9 rheumatic arthritis,10
or specific genetic diseases.11 A low bone mineral density
Correspondence: Mathias Haarhaus, Division of Renal Medicine, Depart- (BMD) is a common finding in patients with CKD.5,6,12
ment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Historically, patients with advanced CKD, presenting with
Karolinska University Hospital, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:; or Pieter Evenepoel, Division of Nephrology,
T-score # 2.5 at the spine or hip were excluded from the
University Hospitals Leuven, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. E-mail: diagnostic label “osteoporosis,” mainly because renal osteo- dystrophy (ROD) was thought to substantially modify the
Received 27 June 2020; revised 15 April 2021; accepted 20 April 2021; relationship of BMD with fracture risk. Based on emerging
published online 5 June 2021 evidence for a prospective fracture risk prediction by DXA

546 Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558

M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD review

and a positive effect of antiresorptive and anabolic osteopo- strategies were applied to identify studies on antiresorptive
rosis treatment on BMD in advanced CKD, an increasing agents in advanced CKD: (alendronate OR pamidronate OR
number of bone and kidney experts now stand for an in- ibandronate OR zoledronic OR clodronate OR risedronate
clusive definition.8 OR zoledronate) AND ("renal failure" OR "kidney failure" OR
Fracture risk is excessively high in patients with CKD.13–15 "renal disease" OR "kidney disease" OR dialysis) AND oste-
For example, patients on hemodialysis show a fracture risk of oporosis and denosumab AND ("renal failure" OR "kidney
the hip that is 4-fold higher than the risk observed in age- and failure" OR "renal disease" OR "kidney disease" OR dialysis)
sex-matched non-CKD counterparts.16 After kidney trans- AND osteoporosis. Reviews, case reports, nonhuman studies,
plantation, the risk further increases, at least transiently.17 and non-English language articles were excluded.
Compared with patients without fractures, those with CKD
and fractures furthermore have a multifold increased risk of Definition and epidemiology of ABD
mortality.18 Fragility fractures inflate the already impressive The concept of ABD describes the histological picture of bone
economic and societal burden of advanced CKD. with absent or reduced turnover in the presence of normal
During the last 2 decades, knowledge of the pathophysi- mineralization (Figure 1). The diagnosis is based on the
ology of bone fragility in the setting of CKD has increased, histomorphometric analysis of a double-labeled bone biopsy,
and the ability to predict patients with CKD at risk has usually taken from the anterior part of the iliac crest,
improved through the validation of fracture prediction tools following the internationally established standards recom-
and an increasing understanding of imaging modalities. mended by the Histomorphometry Nomenclature Commit-
Alongside, the armamentarium to tackle osteoporosis has tee of the American Society of Bone and Mineral
been continuously expanding. Against this background, the Research.19,20 However, diagnostic criteria have been incon-
existence of a huge treatment gap between those at risk of sistent with respect to parameters included and cutoff levels,
fracture and those receiving treatment for the prevention of explaining at least partly the highly variable prevalence rate
fragility fractures is remarkable. The reluctance toward reported in literature. Although originally described as min-
pharmacological fracture prevention in general, and, more eral apposition rate (a parameter of bone formation) below
specifically, toward the use of antiresorptive agents, in patients the lowest level observed in healthy individuals,21 Monier-
with advanced CKD is largely driven by the lack of adequately Faugere and Malluche defined ABD as dramatically reduced
powered randomized controlled trials in this population and bone turnover with a paucity of osteoid, bone cells, and
the fear to induce or worsen adynamic bone. Adynamic bone, marked decrease in active remodeling sites and tetracycline
overall, is perceived as being problematic and referred to as a uptake, thereby including both formation and resorption
disease. parameters and introducing the all-in evaluation of the biopsy
In the present review, we aimed to scrutinize the concept by the pathologist as a diagnostic criterion in addition to
of adynamic bone disease (ABD) and to discuss the effect of quantifiable parameters recommended by the American So-
low bone turnover on the management of osteoporosis in ciety of Bone and Mineral Research.22 Later studies used more
advanced CKD. reproducible definitions of ABD, often based on a single
quantifiable parameter, exclusively describing some aspect of
Methods bone formation (e.g., proportion of double-labeled bone
This narrative review is endorsed by the board of the Euro- surface over total surface or bone formation rate). However,
pean Renal Osteodystrophy network, an initiative within the the demarcation of ABD against other types of ROD became
Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disorder Working more arbitrary, ranging from all individuals below the median
Group of the European Renal Association–European Dialysis of the histomorphometric parameter of interest23 to patients
and Transplantation Association. European Renal Osteodys- with values >1SD below the mean24 or even >1SD below the
trophy network membership is based on experience with the normal range (i.e., by definition, 3SD below the mean of a
diagnosis and treatment of ROD, including bone biopsies. normal reference population).25 This large variation in the
The following questions were framed: (i) Is there consistency definition of ABD may hamper unequivocal statements on
in the use and definition of the term “adynamic bone disease” epidemiology and its association with outcomes.
or “aplastic bone disease” in CKD? (ii) Is there a link between In spite of the shortcomings in the definition of ABD, the
low bone turnover and clinical outcome, and if so, how is it term has grown increasingly popular. ABD furthermore has
modified? (iii) Is the induction of low bone turnover by evolved as the most abundant form of ROD to date, according
osteoporosis medication associated with increased risks for to recent large retrospective bone biopsy studies, with a
patients with advanced CKD? Both authors performed a prevalence of up to 60% in white patients on hemodialy-
broad search of the literature, including the following search sis.26,27 However, the actual prevalence of severely reduced
terms—chronic kidney disease, dialysis, adynamic bone disease, bone turnover in CKD is difficult to determine, as the bone
low bone turnover, fracture risk, cardiovascular disease, mor- biopsy procedure is not readily available in large unselected
tality, vascular calcification, osteoporosis, antiresorptive treat- populations. Thus, the current perception of the prevalence of
ment, and anabolic treatment—among others in the literature ABD relies on the analysis of bone biopsy registries, which are
databases PubMed and EMBASE. The following search confounded by indication, or the analysis of biomarkers of

Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558 547

review M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD

Figure 1 | Histomorphometry slides showing (a) normal and (b) low bone turnover. Compared to normal bone, conventional light
microscopy of Goldner-stained sections shows the almost complete absence of osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteoid deposition as well as the
absence of tetracycline labels as visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Courtesy Patrick D’Haese and Geert Behets.

bone turnover in large unselected populations, which, in circulating PTH levels and may partially explain the poor
contrast, lack specificity and sensitivity to correctly diagnose performance of PTH as a biomarker for bone turnover.
different forms of ROD. Defining the optimal PTH level, especially at the individual
level, remains a challenge. A functional and readily available
Pathogenesis of low bone turnover in CKD assay quantifying PTH1 receptor activation would be a great
Patients with CKD and low bone turnover are characterized step forward. Parallel to the development of such an assay, the
by higher age and a high incidence of comorbidity, malnu- performance of more specific bone turnover biomarkers (or a
trition, inflammation, and hypoalbuminemia.28 Several con- panel of biomarkers) should be tested, if possible, against
ditions, including deficient PTH signaling, exposure to bone histomorphometry, which is still considered the crite-
aluminum, and diabetes mellitus may be involved in the rion standard.34
pathogenesis of low bone turnover in CKD (Figure 2).29–32 Repressed WNT/b-catenin signaling. The expression of the
Inappropriately low PTH signaling. Secondary hyperpara- WNT inhibitor sclerostin in osteocytes increases early during
thyroidism is an almost universal complication of advanced the course of CKD.35 Experimentally, repression of WNT/b-
CKD. Over the years, the armamentarium to control sec- catenin signaling by sclerostin inhibits bone formation
ondary hyperparathyroidism has expanded to include potent whereas it stimulates bone resorption.36 In an animal model,
drugs such as active vitamin D (analogues) and calcimimetics. sclerostin expression is induced by transforming growth fac-
Also, exogenous calcium loading, either via calcium- tor b and activin A, members of the transforming growth
containing phosphate binders or via the dialysate, sup- factor superfamily, and inhibited by PTH.37 Also, activin A
presses PTH. The striking increase in low bone turnover in increases early in experimental CKD and activin A inhibition
patients with advanced CKD in recent decades appears to stimulates bone formation and reduces bone resorption in
suggest an overtreatment of secondary hyperparathyroid- this setting.38 Moreover, fibroblast growth factor 23 increases
ism.31,33 Importantly, bone responses to the action of PTH are early in CKD and exerts inhibitory action on the WNT/b-
progressively blunted in CKD. This condition is referred to as catenin pathway by activation of Dickkopf1 through the
PTH “hyporesponsiveness” or resistance. Multiple factors are interaction with soluble Klotho.39,40
involved including phosphate loading, calcitriol deficiency, Malnutrition/inflammation. Malnutrition is closely linked
oxidative stress, magnesium deficiency, accumulation of PTH to chronic inflammation, and the malnutrition/inflammation
fragments and uremic toxins, inducing deficiencies in trophic syndrome has been associated with low bone turnover41 and
factors, excesses of inhibitors, or postreceptor defects.12 PTH increased fracture risk.42 Low nutritional markers are a hall-
hyporesponsiveness is as much an integral component of mark of low PTH states43,44 and are associated with the
chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorder as elevated development of low bone turnover.45 Experimentally,

548 Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558

M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD review

Disease-related Therapy-related

Malnutrition Diabetes CKD • Ca loading

• Parathyroidectomy
Oxidative stress • Vitamin D agonists
Hyperphosphatemia • Calcimimetics

Inflammation Calcitriol deficiency

AGEs Mg deficiency
Uremic toxins Antiresorptive
PTH hyporesponsiveness PTH suppression

PTH signaling

Negative bone Positive bone

mineral balance Low bone turnover mineral balance

Figure 2 | Causes of low bone turnover: diseases and therapies may affect bone metabolism both indirectly by modifying
parathyroidism (PTH) signaling and directly. Diseases go along with PTH hyporesponsiveness and a negative bone mineral balance
(resorption > formation). Therapies, overall, can mediate a positive bone mineral balance, either directly or through PTH suppression. AGE,
advanced glycation end-products; CKD, chronic kidney disease.

inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1, interleukin- and is associated with low bone turnover. Indoxyl sulfate
6, and tumor necrosis factor-a stimulate bone resorption suppresses bone formation via PTH receptor down-
and inhibit bone formation.46 Osteoblasts from patients on regulation58 and suppression of WNT signaling in osteo-
dialysis with low bone turnover demonstrate a slower blasts.59 Reduction of uremic toxins via oral administration
growth in vitro and an increased interleukin-6 produc- of an intestinal adsorbent increased bone turnover in uremic
tion.47 In contrast, inflammatory cytokines suppress PTH rats.60
and may thereby indirectly contribute to a reduction of
bone turnover.48,49 Blocking of inflammatory cytokines has Low bone turnover and osteoporosis in CKD
a positive effect on BMD in clinical studies,50 which may be After a period of bone acquisition during adolescence, the
mediated by inhibition of bone resorption and stimulation tightly coupled process of bone turnover reaches a balance
of bone formation.51 An inhibitory effect on pro- between bone resorption and formation during adulthood in
inflammatory cytokines has also been described for healthy individuals. Low mineralized bone mass can result
bisphosphonates and may contribute to their positive effect from impaired peak bone acquisition, impaired bone matu-
on bone mass.52 ration in high bone turnover states, an uncoupling of bone
Diabetes mellitus. The skeleton is a target organ for in- turnover, where bone resorption exceeds bone formation, as
sulin. Insulin signaling in osteoblasts increases bone turnover in postmenopausal primary osteoporosis, or combinations
via upregulation of runt-related transcription factor 2 and thereof.61,62 A dissociation of bone turnover with a relative
downregulation of osteoprotegerin, whereas systemic insulin predominance of resorption may also contribute to low BMD
sensitivity is modulated through the release of under- in patients with CKD and low bone turnover, with chronic
carboxylated osteocalcin. In several observational studies of inflammation and repressed WNT/b-catenin signaling rep-
ROD, patients with diabetes mellitus are overrepresented in resenting possible pathomechanisms.63 However, more
the low turnover groups.9,24,53 The histomorphometric pic- balanced states of low bone turnover may be associated with
ture of diabetic osteodystrophy is characterized by low bone better preservation of bone mass. Biomimicry studies have
turnover, low osteoblast and osteoclast activity, and reduced suggested a balanced form of adynamic bone as the mecha-
bone volume.54 Hyperglycemia, insulin deficiency, insulin- nism of bone preservation in hibernating bears, in spite of
like growth factor I resistance, accumulation of advanced several months of immobilization and the transient devel-
glycation end products, inflammation, and oxidative stress are opment of kidney failure.64–66
among possible causes.55 However, a dissociation of bone The clinical relevance of mechanisms leading to a low bone
turnover with a stronger suppression of bone formation than mass in low bone turnover ROD is supported by 2 studies that
resorption has been suggested to contribute to bone loss in demonstrated a better fracture risk prediction by DXA in
both type 156 and type 257 diabetes mellitus. patients with moderate to advanced CKD and biochemical
Uremic toxins. Renally excreted compounds that accu- indication of a bone turnover in the lower range.67,68 Both
mulate in CKD and exert toxic effects are commonly sum- these cohorts were part of the basis for the Kidney Disease:
marized under the term uremic toxins. Among these, the Improving Global Outcomes recommendation to use DXA
gut-derived toxin indoxyl sulfate has been extensively studied for fracture risk prediction in advanced CKD.7

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review M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD

Low bone turnover and outcomes in CKD important limitation because inflammation and malnutrition
A low turnover state reduces the ability of bone to buffer are associated both with low PTH levels41,43,44 and with low
calcium fluxes from exogenous sources.69 Experimentally, bone turnover.45 Prospective data on fracture risk in hypo-
increased calcium concentrations induce vascular calcification parathyroidism do not exist. Case-control studies, however,
in vessels from patients on dialysis, but not healthy controls.70 show no differences in overall fracture rate as compared with
Several studies in patients with CKD demonstrate associations the general population.91 In a study comprising 5918 patients
between reduced bone turnover23,71,72 or low PTH,73 inter- with end-stage renal disease without previous fractures, a first
preted as a surrogate marker of low bone turnover, and parathyroidectomy was associated with >30% reduced frac-
arterial calcification, with significant interactions with path- ture incidence during long-term follow-up as compared with
ogenetic factors, such as calcium load, inflammation, or matched controls. Fracture risk was lowest after total para-
malnutrition. However, it is still a matter of discussion at thyroidectomy, suggesting a positive effect of a more pro-
what doses and in which clinical context calcium supple- nounced suppression of bone turnover on fracture
mentation associates with negative outcomes in CKD. incidence.92 Others have found an increased fracture risk only
Although a meta-analysis in 2013 demonstrated increased in patients with severely increased PTH,16 and in large bone
mortality associated with the use of calcium-containing biopsy series, no difference in fracture prevalence was
phosphate binders,74 a recent large observational study observed between patients with adynamic bone and those
found no such association.75 Some data indicate that different with other forms of ROD.22,93 Remarkably, although PTH
low bone turnover states may affect the association of calcium shows a U-shaped relationship with bone and vascular out-
supplementation with outcome differently. In a French comes,12 circulating alkaline phosphatase, as well as its bone
observational study, only patients with decreasing PTH and isoforms, which determines variations in total serum alkaline
high dialysate calcium demonstrated higher mortality, phosphatase in the absence of liver disease,94 shows a linear
whereas no such association was found in patients with and direct relationship to these outcomes in CKD.95–97
persistently low PTH. Remarkably, oral calcium supplemen- Although this observation may add credit to the hypothesis
tation was not associated with mortality in any subgroup.76 A that residual confounding accounts for the association be-
5-year observational study in patients on hemodialysis tween low PTH and bone fragility or cardiovascular out-
demonstrated improved survival for patients with therapeu- comes, a word of caution is warranted. Circulating alkaline
tically induced low PTH compared with patients with spon- phosphatase or bone alkaline phosphatase activities may
taneous PTH reduction or patients with unchanged PTH in reflect not only bone turnover but also calcification burden
spite of an increased calcium dose via dialysate calcium in the and propensity.94 Conflicting observations of a direct asso-
former group.77 To our knowledge, the only report to date of ciation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b, another
accelerated vascular calcification after antiresorptive treat- nonrenally cleared bone turnover marker, with arterial stiff-
ment in CKD is in a patient with multiple myeloma who ness,98 but an inverse association with cardiovascular events99
received 120 mg of denosumab twice together with up to 4 g in predialysis CKD, further fuels the controversy. It thus re-
of calcium phosphate and 1 mm of active vitamin D daily.78 In mains a matter of debate whether severely reduced bone
contrast, a recent study of 1 year of antiresorptive treatment turnover per se or the pathogenic mechanism inducing it to
with concurrent substitution of 1.5 g of calcium lactate and occur underlies the association with poor outcomes. Data
0.25 mm of active vitamin D, tapered to control calcium levels from observational studies after parathyroidectomy and
within normal limits, did not find any progression of vascular interventional trials with antiresorptive agents may help to
disease.79 resolve this conundrum. In patients with CKD, para-
Suppressed bone turnover has been associated with thyroidectomy associates with improved survival100 and
improved BMD in advanced CKD.80–83 Importantly, slow vascular outcomes,101,102 despite PTH levels being below
remodeling allows more secondary mineralization so that the target in many, implying a high prevalence of low bone
bone becomes harder and probably stronger.84 However, in turnover. The regression of vascular calcification after para-
the long term, hyper- or “overmineralization” may impair thyroidectomy is remarkable, as patients are often loaded with
toughening mechanisms, shift the bone to a condition often calcium for weeks to cope with the hungry bone syndrome.103
referred to as “brittle bone,” and increase the risk of (atypical) Suppression of bone turnover is inherent to antiresorptive
fractures.85–87 In addition, remodeling suppression may cause agents, and most patients with osteoporosis who are treated
the accumulation of microcracks.88 Taken together, the final with antiresorptive agents also have a low bone formation
effect of a deep and/or long-term suppression of bone turn- rate. In postmenopausal women treated with either
over on bone strength and fracture rates remains bisphosphonates or denosumab, while lowering fracture risk,
undetermined. accelerated vascular calcification has not been reported.104,105
In patients with CKD, some studies have demonstrated Moreover, vascular calcification progression did not differ
associations of low PTH with an increased fracture risk.89,90 between treatment groups when analyzed by baseline esti-
However, similar to studies investigating the link between mated glomerular filtration rate or by baseline vascular
low PTH and vascular outcomes, no adjustments were made calcification scores.104 It is reassuring that studies in patients
for the presence of inflammation and malnutrition. This is an with (advanced) CKD did not detect any vascular safety

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M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD review

signals.79,106–108 Some caution is warranted because these biochemical or BMD end points were less consistent
studies were characterized by either small sample size or short (Table 1).28,79,108,118–123,125–127,129–132
follow-up. It is unlikely that the absence of detrimental effects Importantly, none of the individual studies were powered
on calcification in bisphosphonate-treated individuals are to inform on fracture risks. Advantages and disadvantages of
explained by the fact that bisphosphonates are analogues of denosumab versus bisphosphonates in advanced CKD are
pyrophosphate, which is a potent vascular calcification in- listed in Table 2. The present review focuses on the aspects of
hibitor, as conventional doses of bisphosphonates fail to yield osteoporosis in the presence of low bone turnover. For a more
circulating concentrations that are sufficient to exert direct thorough discussion of osteoporosis prevention and treat-
anticalcifying effects. With regard to bone health, there are ment in advanced CKD, we refer to a recent consensus
some concerns that long-term treatment or high doses with statement by the European Renal Association–European
certain bisphosphonates make the bone more brittle and less Dialysis and Transplantation Association and the Interna-
tough, which may translate into reduced energy to fracture tional Osteoporosis Foundation.8
and potentially a shorter bone fatigue life.109 Although no It may be hypothesized that the efficacy of antiresorptive
reports from long-term studies in CKD exist, it is reassuring therapy is reduced in patients with already suppressed bone
that denosumab for up to 3, 5, and 10 years in post- turnover before treatment initiation. The observation of a
menopausal women was associated with normal histology, good bone response to antiresorptive treatment in diabetic
low bone remodeling rate, increased matrix mineralization, patients, despite the common finding of low bone turnover of
and lower mineralization heterogeneity compared with pla- diabetic osteodystrophy133 and the continued effect of deno-
cebo while the benefit on fracture risk was maintained.110,111 sumab on fracture risk and BMD for up to 10 years in
postmenopausal women, in spite of a sustained suppression
Low bone turnover in CKD: is it always a disease? of bone turnover markers,110 refute this hypothesis. In
Taken together, evolving evidence suggests that low bone addition, denosumab had a greater effect on BMD gain if
turnover is not always associated with an increased risk of initiated after bisphosphonate treatment than after selective
unfavorable outcomes in CKD. Thus, coexistence of addi- estrogen receptor modulators, in spite of a lower bone
tional modulating factors may explain the findings of an as- turnover at treatment initiation in the former group.134 To
sociation of low bone turnover with an increased risk of our knowledge, the effect of baseline bone turnover on the
cardiovascular complications rather than the low turnover per efficacy of denosumab in advanced CKD has yet to be
se. Pathophysiologically, low bone turnover, associated with determined. However, a recent study, demonstrating a posi-
processes linked to negative cardiovascular or skeletal out- tive effect of denosumab on BMD in advanced CKD, used an
comes in CKD, such as diabetes mellitus, chronic inflam- upper limit for PTH of 240 pg/ml, thereby increasing the
mation, or repressed WNT/b-catenin signaling, may be probability of selecting patients with bone turnover in the
paralleled by a dissociation of turnover with a relatively lower spectrum.79
stronger suppression of osteoblast function and bone for- As an alternative approach to antiresorptive agents,
mation than that of osteoclast function and bone resorp- anabolic agents have been suggested for osteoporosis
tion.35,46,56,57 Whether such an imbalance in bone turnover treatment in patients with CKD and low bone turnover.
plays a causative role in the association of low bone turnover Anabolic agents gain increasing interest as they provide a
with negative outcomes has yet to be determined. In contrast, faster and greater fracture risk reduction in post-
treatment with calcimimetics,112 long-term follow-up after menopausal osteoporosis than do antiresorptive agents.135
parathyroidectomy,113 adequate treatment with active vitamin Several small pilot studies of these PTH analogues in pa-
D,114 or antiresorptive agents115 may induce a more balanced tients with advanced CKD and low bone turnover have
reduction of bone turnover, while clinical evidence to date demonstrated positive effects on bone mass and turn-
indicates an absence of negative cardiovascular effects in pa- over.128,136,137 However, there are uncertainties with
tients without CKD116,117 and in patients with advanced respect to dosing, and risks associated with long-term
CKD.79,100,108 treatment or discontinuation are still unclear. The sclero-
stin antagonist romosozumab also exerts an anabolic effect
Low bone turnover and efficacy of anti-osteoporosis on osteoblasts while inhibiting bone resorption.138
treatment Although very promising from a bone perspective, con-
The validity of studies investigating the efficacy of denosu- cerns with cardiovascular side effects139 warrant caution in
mab79,118–126 and bisphosphonates79,106,127–130 in patients patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease, including
with advanced CKD, including those on dialysis, or in pa- patients with advanced CKD.
tients with earlier CKD stages presenting with biochemical Evidently, at all times, therapy should be personalized,
disturbances of mineral metabolism is limited by small accounting for the individual medical and therapeutic history.
sample sizes. Although denosumab consistently improved When considering off-label use of osteoporosis drugs, pa-
BMD, results regarding the effect of bisphosphonates on tients should be properly informed about potential risks,

Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558 551


Table 1 | Studies on antiresorptive agents in advanced CKD
Study Population Specific inclusion criteria Specific exclusion criteria Intervention Outcome
Kunizawa et al.,122
HD: 102 Any denosumab-treated Peritoneal dialysis, kidney Denosumab 60 mg s.c. every 6 Annual DBMD HD: FN 4.3%, LS
prospective, observational, CKD 1–2: 144 patient with CKD and transplantation, history of mo, follow-up unclear 6.7%
safety and efficacy study CKD 3a: 44 osteoporosis parathyroidectomy, hypo- or Annual DBMD CKD: FN 3.1%,
CKD 3b: 35 hypercalcemia (Ca <8.5 or LS 7.5%
CKD 4–5: 20 >15 mg/dl) Hypocalcemia: HD 35.6%, CKD
5.4% (risk factors: high
TRAP5b, steroid Tx, no CaCO3
Chen et al.,108 non- Dialysis: 42 (21 Dmab, 21 PTH >800 pg/ml, low BMD, Parathyroidectomy with Single-dose denosumab 60 CAC score unchanged in
randomized safety and control) ongoing treatment with Ca parathyromatosis, aluminum mg s.c. þ CaCO3 3 g/d þ Dmab, increased in controls
efficacy study and calcitriol levels >20 mg/l calcitriol 1 mg/d þ dialysate Ca (P ¼ 0.004)
1.75 mmol/l for 2 wk, dialysate DBMD: FN 15.2%, LS 13.4%
Ca and CaCO3 tapered after 1 Hypocalcemia: 38%
Iseri et al.,79 randomized, HD: 46 (22 denosumab, 24 Osteoporosis, age >20 yr, Bisphosphonate or Denosumab 60 mg s.c. every 6 DBMD: Dmab: FN 1.5%, LS
prospective, safety and alendronate) hemodialysis for >6 mo, denosumab in the preceding mo or alendronate 900 mg i.v. 5.6%, alendronate: FN <0%, LS
efficacy study iPTH $60 and #240 pg/ml 6 mo, corr Ca <8.4 mg/dl, every 4 wk for 1 yr. All 5.4%
poor oral condition received calcitriol 0.25 mg/ CAC, CA-IMT, ABI, baPWV, and
d and calcium lactate 1.5 g/ FMD: no change from baseline
d during 2 wk after study drug
Takami et al.,123 retrospective HD: 37 male patients (Dmab Male patients with low BMD Conditions that influence Denosumab 60 mg every 6 mo DBMD distal radius: control:

M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD

case-control study, efficacy 17, control 20) (<70% of the young adult bone metabolism, treated for 1 yr, control: no treatment –4.5%, Dmab: 2.6%
study mean) with bisphosphonates, Hypocalcemia (<8.0 mg/dl):
parathyroid hormone, 29.4%
steroids, or selective estrogen
receptor modulators,
Cheng and Chen,119 CKD 1–5: 109 Any denosumab-treated No specific exclusion criteria Any denosumab treatment Best BMD effect in young
retrospective efficacy study patient with CKD 1–5 during 1 yr patients and patients with
advanced CKD
Huynh et al.,28 retrospective CKD 1–3: 136 Any denosumab-treated No specific exclusion criteria Any denosumab treatment Hypocalcemia: CKD 3–4, 37%,
safety study CKD 4–5: 19 patient at a single center CKD 1–3, 11%
Festuccia et al.,120 HD: 12 Any denosumab-treated No specific exclusion criteria Denosumab 60 mg every 6 mo DBMD (QUS of fingers): 10%,
retrospective efficacy study patient at a single center? for 24 mo N.S.
Symptomatic hypocalcemia:
Hiramatsu et al.,121 HD: 13 BMD < 2.5 SDs, well- History of Ptx, anti- Denosumab 60 mg 1 single DBMD: FN 4%, LS 37%
Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558

prospective, single-arm, controlled mineral metabolism osteoporotic drugs dose

open-label, efficacy study
Chen et al.,125 prospective, HD/PD: 24 iPTH >800 pg/ml, DXA: Total Ptx, s-Al >50 g/l Denosumab 60 mg 1 single DBMD: FN: Sev HPT 27%, Mod
single-arm, open-label, forearm or FN or LS < 2.5 dose, CaCO3 3 g/d, calcitriol 2 HPT 9%
efficacy study SDs mg/d, dialysate Ca 1.75 mmol/l
Chen et al.,118 prospective, HD/PD: 12 Dialysis treatment for >3 yr, No bone-specific exclusion Denosumab 60 mg 1 single DBMD: FN 23%, LS 17%
single-arm, open-label, iPTH >1000 pg/ml Ca and criteria dose, follow-up at 24 wk
efficacy study vitamin D supplement
according to KDOQI, DXA: FN
or LS T-score < 1 SD, stable
laboratory results for 6 mo
Hiramatsu et al.,126
Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558

M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD

HD: 47 Any denosumab-treated No exclusion criteria specified Denosumab for osteoporosis Hypocalcemia: 25.5%
retrospective, observational, patient at a single center? treatment, dose not specified, DBMD: FN 4.2%, LS 5.9%
safety and efficacy study follow-up 2 yr
Dave et al.,131 retrospective CKD 4–5: 7, HD: 7 Any denosumab-treated No specific exclusion criteria Denosumab any dose, Hypocalcemia: 65%
safety study patient at a single center dialysate Ca 1.25 mmol/l, Severe (corr Ca <1.9 mmol/l):
vitamin D therapy 92%, oral Ca 57%
substitution 21%
Block et al.,132 randomized Normal: 12 CKD Ca $2.1 mmol/l (8.5 mg/dl), Ca <2.1 mmol/l (8.5 mg/dl), Denosumab 60 mg 1 single Hypocalcemia: 15%
controlled trial, Mild: 13 25-OH D $30 ng/ml, other 25-OH D <30 ng/ml dose Pain extremities: 15% (no
pharmacokinetic study, Moderate: 13 laboratory results were normal Later protocol amendment: After amendment: Ca daily up hypocalcemia after
safety (second end point) Severe: 9 or adequate for CKD stage severe CKD and to 1 g, cholecalciferol daily up amendment)
Dialysis: 8 Later protocol amendment: 1,25(OH)2D <30 pg/ml or to 800 IU
PTH <110 pg/ml (<300 pg/ml iPTH $110 pg/ml, kidney
for patients on dialysis), failure and iPTH $300 pg/ml
1,25(OH)2D $30 pg/ml
Amgen 20103161 CKD 4–5: 16 Patients on hemodialysis Ca, Mg, phosphate inadequate Denosumab 120 mg on day 1 Hypocalcemia: severe 9%
( identifier Dialysis: 16 for the medical condition and day 29
NCT01464931), single-arm,
open-label, safety study
Wetmore et al.,130 randomized HD, postmenopausal women: Age >40 yr, HD for $3 mo, Ptx, previous hormone Alendronate 40 mg every DBMD: alendronate 0%,
controlled trial 31 (16 alendronate, 15 iPTH $100 and #300 pg/ml, replacement therapy for #2 week or placebo for 6 wk. All: placebo 3.6%
placebo) Ca  P < 70 mg2/dl2 yr, malnutrition calcitriol 0.25 or 0.50 mg once
a day and oral Ca substitution
Torregrosa et al.,129 HD: 13 iPTH >500 pg/ml, Ca >11 Previous Ptx, diabetes mellitus Pamidronate 60 mg i.v. every DBMD: FN and LS 33%
prospective, open-label, and <6.5 mg/dl, osteopenia 2 mo for 1 yr, dialysate Ca 1.5
single-arm study (T-score < 1 SD) mmol/l
Bergner et al.127 prospective, HD: 16 PTH >2 ULN, osteopenia (LS Normal or decreased PTH, Ibandronate 2 mg i.v. every 4 DBMD: 5%
open-label, single-arm study T-score < 1.0) previous Ptx or serum Ca < wk for 48 wk
normal range
1,25(OH)2D, 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D; 25-OH D, 25 hydroxy vitamin D; DBMD, change of bone mineral density; ABI, ankle–brachial index; baPWV, brachial–ankle pulse wave velocity; BMD, bone mineral density; CA-IMT, carotid
artery intima-media thickness; CAC, coronary artery calcification; CKD, chronic kidney disease; corr Ca, albumin-corrected calcium; Dmab, denosumab; DXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; FMD, flow-mediated dilatation; FN,
femoral neck; HD, hemodialysis; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone; KDOQI, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative; LS, lumbar spine; Mod HPT, moderate hyperparathyroidism; N.S., not significant; PD, peritoneal dialysis; PTH,
parathyroid hormone, Ptx, parathyroidectomy; QUS, quantitative ultrasound; s-Al, serum aluminium; Sev HPT, severe hyperparathyroidism; TRAP5b, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b; tx, therapy; ULN, upper limit of normal.
A questionmark (?) indicates an assumption, as the population studied was not clearly described in the cited article.

review M Haarhaus and P Evenepoel: Differentiating causes of adynamic bone in CKD

Table 2 | Bisphosphonates vs. denosumab in advanced CKD (pros and cons)

Bisphosphonates Denosumab

Pros Improves BMD in all CKD stages Improves BMD in all CKD stages
Oral or i.v. dose (can be administered during dialysis) Subcutaneous dosing every 6 mo
Low risk of severe hypocalcemia Continued effectiveness for at least 10 yr (in patients without CKD)
Can be stopped after limited treatment time
Cons Risk of kidney damage in CKD 4–5 Risk of severe hypocalcemia
Wear out after several years Risk of fractures if stopped
Osteonecrosis of the jaw Osteonecrosis of the jaw
Atypical femoral fractures Atypical femoral fractures
Acute phase reaction (i.v. bisphosphonates only) Risk of infections
Atrial fibrillation
BMD, bone mineral density; CKD, chronic kideny disease.

benefits, and alternatives and notes should be taken in pa- patients shows an early and profound drop after each dose
tients’ file.140 In many countries, clinical use of osteoporosis and thereafter partly recovers up to the next administration.
drugs is limited by reimbursement restrictions, further Whether these differences in pharmacodynamics translate in
hampering optimal therapy. different risks of atypical fractures remains to be determined.
Another concern related to therapy with antiresorptive
Low bone turnover and safety of anti-osteoporosis treatment agents is the induction of hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia is
in advanced CKD especially prominent in patients treated with denosumab and
A major safety concern with regard to the use of anti- is explained by a transient imbalance between bone resorp-
resorptive agents in patients with CKD is the induction or tion and formation. This risk is especially high in patients
worsening of low bone turnover. As outlined above, data on with high bone turnover at baseline and can be reduced by
skeletal and vascular risks in postmenopausal women are concomitant treatment with calcium and vitamin
reassuring. Extrapolation to patients with CKD, however, D.126,131,132,147 Hypocalcemia after administration triggers a
warrants caution, as the uremic environment may represent transient reciprocal increase in PTH levels, which may be
an important modifier. Clinical studies evaluating vascular sufficiently treated with maintenance of normocalcemia.
outcomes in patients with CKD are scanty. Although the first- In denosumab-treated patients, the offset of the effect is
generation bisphosphonate etidronate markedly reduced the another major concern. Although bisphosphonates are
progression of vascular calcification in patients with CKD,107 retained by the skeleton and only slowly released, guaran-
recent generation nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates teeing a prolonged bone effect after treatment cessation, the
alendronate and ibandronate demonstrated either improved offset of the effect is almost instantaneous in denosumab-
or unchanged vascular outcomes.79,105,106 In a recent ran- treated patients and manifested by a rapid bone loss and a
domized controlled trial, therapy with either alendronate or significant increase in vertebral fracture rate.148 Hence,
denosumab for 1 year did not affect indices of vascular health denosumab should be either administered continuously or
(including vascular calcification scores) in patients on followed by some alternative antiresorptive therapy. Bone
dialysis.79 turnover markers may be useful to monitor the offset of the
Antiresorptive therapy associates with osteonecrosis of the effect in patients.149
jaw and atypical femur fractures. Absolute risks are very low
during the first 1 to 2 years of treatment (in the order of 1–6 Conclusions
per 100,000 patient-years)141,142 but increase markedly with Collectively, the evidence reviewed here demonstrates that
the duration of exposure.142,143 Preexisting dental disease and low bone turnover is not always associated with negative
prior dental extraction are the highest risk factors for osteo- outcomes. More specifically, although systemic factors such as
necrosis of the jaw. Any dental disease that requires inter- chronic inflammation, malnutrition, or diabetes mellitus may
vention and poor oral hygiene should be addressed before induce low bone turnover and are commonly associated with
initiating antiresorptive therapy.141,144 Although a causal an increased cardiovascular risk, evidence to date does not
relationship of osteonecrosis of the jaw with low bone turn- support an association of antiresorptive treatment with
over is still a matter of controversy,145 an association of increased vascular calcification and cardiovascular morbidity
atypical femur fractures with a prolonged suppression of bone or mortality in advanced CKD. We hypothesize that the cause
turnover is more established.146 However, there is no evidence of bone turnover suppression determines clinical outcomes
that CKD confers an increased risk of atypical fractures. rather than its mere presence. This insight may pave the way
Whereas bone turnover is permanently suppressed for the for a more liberal attitude toward the use of antiresorptive
duration of bisphosphonate therapy and even thereafter (long agents in patients with advanced CKD and osteoporosis. We
skeletal half-life), bone turnover in denosumab-treated propose a reconsideration of the current use of the term

554 Kidney International (2021) 100, 546–558

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