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Ejercicios sobre procesos de reclutamiento y selección en

1. Match column A with column B

2. Choose the correct

3. Speaking exercise

Create a dialogue with a partner answer the following



Sebastian: Hello guys, how are you? my name is

Sebastian Mosquera and I will ask you a series of

Sergio: Hello Sebastian, my name is Sergio Correa, I

am well and willing to answer questions.

Valentina: Hello Mr. Sebastian, my name is Valentina

Cruz and I am ready to answer your questions.

1.At what age did you start job hunting?
Sergio: I started looking for a job when I was 15 years
old to help my family financially.

Valentina: I started looking for a job when I was 16 to

travel with my friends.

2.At what did you get yours first job? What was it

Sergio: I got my first job through my family in a

restaurant and worked as a waiter.

Valentina: I got my first job through a friend and

worked as a salesperson in a makeup store.

3.Do you remember the first job interview you had?

What was it like?
Sergio: If I remember correctly it was 1 year ago and it
went wrong for me as I was very nervous answering
the questions.

Valentina: I do remember, since it was very recently

when I found my previous job and it was regular since
I was very anxious.

4.How long did you stay in the company four your first

Sergio: I worked in the company for 4 months.

Valentina: In my last job I worked 2 months

5.Have you had bad experiences at job interviews?

Sergio: Yes, because sometimes I don't have enough

knowledge to answer the questions.

Valentina: yes, since I don't answer correctly because

of the nerves I present at the moment.

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