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Feeding Belly

Submitted by
Rohan Biswal

In partial fulfilment for the requirements of the award of the degree

“B.Tech- Computer Science Engineering(CSE)”

“Lovely Faculty of Technology and Sciences”

Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab.
“If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” –Mother Teresa

Some of the most important problems faced by poor people in our society are
Social Discrimination, Social Disapproval and Subculture of Poverty.

Did you know fifteen percent of the Indian population every night sleeps
hungry. This week India Loud and Clear talks about the issues of Food crisis.
The issue which hardly finds its place in media reports, Prime-time or in
sensational or breaking news. 194 million Indians are undernourished.
Recently out of 117 countries, India ranked at 104 at the Global Hunger Index.

The Feeding Belly just cannot be put into any words but only felt. It is a greater
feeling than while receiving any kind of gifts.

Some of the variables on which the poor differ from others are

1-Degree of participation in the labour force,

2-Kind of employment,

3-Characteristics of family

4- Degree of knowledge of the larger society

5- Political awareness

- Awareness of social and economic rights, and value orientations in politics,

religion and social customs.
Hunger isn’t simply a lack of access to food: It’s a lack of access to the right
nutrients. In order to thrive, humans need a range of foods providing a variety
of essential health benefits. Families living in poverty often rely on just one or
two staple foods (like corn or wheat), which means they’re not getting enough
critical macronutrients and vitamins, and may still suffer the effects of hunger.

Much like the poverty-hunger cycle, a country’s economic resilience has a
direct effect on its nutritional resilience. Hunger has substantial economic costs
for individuals, families and the whole societies. Labour, often the only asset of
the poor, is devalued for the hungry. Mental and physical health is
compromised by lack of food, cutting productivity, output and the wages that
people earn.


Extreme poverty and poor health often go hand in hand. In countries where
health systems are weak, easily preventable and treatable illnesses like
malaria, diarrhoea, and respiratory infections can be fatal — especially for
young children. And when people must travel far distances to clinics or pay for
medicine, it drains already vulnerable households of money and assets, and
can tip a family from poverty into extreme poverty.

Objective to be achieved
My main objective was to feed people in my locality but my second objective
behind it was that I wanted to encourage people to do the same because as
Helen Keller said "Alone We Can Do So Little. Together We Can Do So Much".
I tried my best to encourage the people and enlighten them about the pain
and suffering others face due to lack of proper food source and nutrition.

Various Steps taken to achieve the


1. First and foremost, the step that I took was actually finding the people
that were need and problem finding food or were not financially able to
do so.
2. To be able help them properly I visited the people first and I asked them
what kind of problem they were facing in acquiring adequate food.

3. I listened very carefully to them and noted every problem down.

4. The major issue they were facing was the food they acquired was not
good enough to feed them all, and they were not able to access clean
water source.
5. To battle these major issues and other small issues they faced I began
preparing accordingly.
6. I kept major focus that the food I was providing isn’t just tasty and
delicious but healthy and provide them nourishment too.
7. I wouldn’t be able to arrange such huge amount of food alone, So I took
help from my neighbours as well.
8. To spread awareness and arrange food I talked with people in my
neighbourhood personally, I told them the pain and suffering these
people have to go through to get a meal is exhausting and that we
should help them in anyway we are able to help.
9. They agreed to help me and said that they would hep me by arranging
the food and in whatever way they can like, providing transport and
going with me to distribute, etc.
10.I collected the food as early as possible so that I can check the quality as
well as taste in advance.
11.We started our journey from home to where the people lived and the
moment they saw me they smiled and that smile just took my breath
12.As soon as we started the food distribution, people started coming from
different direction to us, it was really a back breaking job but all I would
say is it was worth it.
13.The smiles on their faces and the joy in their souls was the best reward I
could ask for.

Effectiveness of the Project

The project turned out to be a miracle, the smile on the people’s face just
melted my heart right away, the whole project motivated me to be more
empathetic. I felt really motivated and I’ve made a vow to help people like this
once a year and hopefully I’ll be able to motivate others to do the same.
The project encouraged others to come forward to help with me and I’m
overwhelmed with emotion such as happiness.
At the end of the project the many people in neighbourhood were happy that
they could help in such a great cause and decided that they would do such
donation once every year.

At the end the project turned out to be eye opening as I was able to connect
with people from different backgrounds and communities. I saw their suffering
ad felt their pain. And I came to the conclusion that If we want to grow and
prosper we need to help everyone near us not only financially but emotionally
too, when I talked with them they said that they wanted people to
acknowledge them.
This project overall was challenging yet calm and I pledge to help like this
whenever I can.

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