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Module 1 lesson 1

In education, information, and communication technology (ICT) refers to the use of technology to
support, enhance, and optimize information delivery. International research has shown that information
and communication technology (ICT) can improve student learning and teaching methods. It is critical to
recognize that students are already interested and engaged in using technology, which provides schools
and teachers with a plethora of incredible opportunities... Also, ict is the best in this generation for all
businesswomen because you can easily attach all of your duties and work using ict is not just for
students or workers, but for everyone.

This is significant because it serves as the foundation for utilizing ICT tools for other purposes. The ability
to access, organize, create, and communicate information using ICT tools. This is significant because it
serves as the foundation for employing ICT tools for other purposes.2. The ability to solve problems
using ICT tools. This is significant because it is the primary reason for which people use ICT tools.

ICT is extremely beneficial in today's modern world, particularly for teachers' and students' learning. It
has a wide range of applications. It motivates the learner, but it also has an impact on the users, both
positively and negatively. I improved my technological skills and gained a better understanding of ICT.
I'm looking forward to seeing what I can learn and do with ICT. We are currently developing a number of
advantages to using this. Now I'm looking forward to putting it to good use. I want to motivate, inspire,
share, and inform people. I intend to use it for the benefit of everyone, not just myself.

Lesson 2

There is a pervasive belief that ICTs can and will empower teachers and learners, changing the highly
teacher-dominated nature of teaching and learning processes to ones that are student-centered, and
that this change will lead to greater learning gains for students as well as the creation and accessibility
of learning opportunities.

I therefore have a lot of information on ICT that I was interested in learning. My primary priority is to
learn the foundations of the three most popular Microsoft Office programs, Word, Excel, and
Powerpoint. I wanted to study those things because I knew they will be crucial for both my future work
and my time in college. These popular Microsoft Offices will help me with research projects, reports, and
presentations, as well as encoding assignments and/or developing projects. Last but not least, it will
help me work with numerical data.

Recognize what hardware is, how performance is affected by various elements, and what peripheral
devices are. Give a definition of software and some examples of typical applications and operating
systems. Describe what information and communication technology (ICT) is and give instances of how it
is used in real-world situations. Know the environmental, health, and safety implications of using
computers. Understand the serious security risks posed by computer use. Understand the important
legal concerns with copyright and data protection when using computers.
Lesson 3

I gained knowledge about how technology may help students make academic progress, as well as its
importance in teaching and learning. It teaches a lot about how recent technological advancements
have benefited everyone. Everyone's learning advances significantly as a result. And the largest,
particularly now that the epidemic and online schooling have come.

Technology significantly alters the learning environment in the classroom and facilitates communication
between students and teachers. But if technology is not adequately controlled, pupils could cheat and
knowledge would become artificial. This necessitates that all instructors be innovative in how they teach
their pupils.

A better learning environment will arise from the wise use of technology, which will benefit all of us. a
place where instructors and students get along well and work tirelessly to accomplish each other's
assignments. We must all cooperate if we wish to improve conditions for everyone.

Module 2 lesson 1

I gained knowledge of the regulations that may be employed and used in education. important factors
that might contribute to a clean and secure learning environment in the classroom. ... the problems with
these policies that we must address in order to fix them and make them less of a problem.

The rules are what teach students how to behave respectfully and responsibly in class. Only the least
unexpected things will occur if these principles are adhered to and put into practice. If there is
inappropriate behavior in one classroom, the teacher must respond quickly with advice on how to
handle it and find a solution for the benefit of all kids.

Lesson 2

I became aware of the dangers associated with employing technology in education. However, there are
also e-safety guidelines to help users of technology avoid issues. It can also be employed to stop the
negative effects of technology.

Although technology makes many tasks simple for everyone, it also causes many inconveniences,
therefore we must be cautious and utilize it wisely. If there are drawbacks, there are safety precautions
to address the mistakes we committed. However, not all computer issues can be prevented, therefore
we must constantly be cautious about what we click.

Module 3 lesson 1

I gained knowledge on how to create traditional instructional materials, which are helpful for teaching
and learning. informational resources that educators should take into account while educating their
pupils. by taking into account the elements that are necessary while updating the media choice and
delivery method for the provided instruction. All students will be alive and focused on what they wish to
teach if all professors are innovative enough. Sometimes the secret to deeper knowledge in a single
lecture is creativity and originality. Students should also be more aware of and grateful for the
opportunities their professors give them to learn. any of the two methods of education, which include
employing technology and conventional course materials.

lesson 2

I discovered that numerous kinds of digital teaching tools exist. In order to reap the rewards of
teaching, we must choose an acceptable purpose for it. Additionally, there is the use of alternate
methods to balance the use of these digital instruments.

Teachers research and deliver information on these topics for all pupils in order to further their career. It
could be challenging to use these tools. But by their diligence and tenacity, they overcome it and
provide us with a productive learning environment.

If we students don't value things like this and act more haughtily toward others around us. It's possible
that our teachers believe their efforts are ineffective in helping us learn. and may ultimately give what
little they have.

Lesson 3

There are simpler ways to create an electronic portfolio, I discovered. This is really accessible and
innovative in many ways. I also picked things up step-by-step. Since it can save all of the assignments
that the teacher provided them, this type of website is incredibly practical for all students.

All pupils must learn how to use these kinds of tools. Because they could become more structured and
better students as a result. If we all know how to create one, perhaps we can all maintain things more
efficiently by being both orderly and creative.

Given that I learnt how to teach them, this sort of exercise would be beneficial for my future pupils. You
become a responsible person by being organized. When everyone can see how organized and
imaginative we are it will appear excellent.

Lesson 4

I gained knowledge on how to give instructions using group collaboration tools. All students can benefit
greatly from the teacher's directions during learning. I might also benefit from this as I intend to become
a teacher.

Even if your team is working from the same place, online collaboration tools may improve
communication. A clever online collaboration tool ensures that everyone working on a project is on the
same page and lessens the chance that teammates may ignore crucial emails or revisions. Learners
benefit from peer engagement both within and outside of the classroom. Collaboration technology can
provide them with a venue to do this through conversations, online group projects, direct messaging,
and video conferencing.
A successful collaborative learning environment must include both the establishment of group
objectives and the maintenance of clear accountability. The group is kept on task and a clear objective is
formed by doing this. Prior to beginning a task, goals and objectives should ideally be established to save

Lesson 5\

Digital literacy includes both utilizing and comprehending technology. Digital literacy abilities may help
you locate, consume, and generate information online more effectively. Knowing how to be digitally
literate can help you use technology safely and avoid its pitfalls.

Digital literacy is essential for a number of reasons, one of which being the expanding use of technology
in education. Digital literacy includes the skills required to use technology in a safe, efficient, and
responsible manner. The importance of developing digital literacy skills is rising as technology continues
to permeate every area of daily life.

Students who are adept in this area may find it easy or unnerving to use the necessary technology,
which might impede their development. Conversely, students who lack these skills may find it difficult or
upsetting to utilize these platforms for learning. While preventing internet safety concerns is impossible,
digital literacy can provide kids the knowledge, resources, procedures, and skills they need to keep
themselves as secure and private as possible.

1st lesson

Module 4 Lesson 1

Distant learning, often known as distance education, is a type of education that employs technology to
deliver curriculum to students who are not physically present to get their education. Teaching and
learning can be delivered remotely via full electronic learning, often known as single method programs
or blended method programs. Distance learning and teaching are now more active and engaging thanks
to technological improvements and the Internet.

Many times, when individuals think about flexible learning environments, they just take into account the
surroundings. Although the setting may be changed on its own, a flexible learning environment includes
much more than just choices for the floor plan and furniture. Modern flexible learning environments
also address other aspects of the learning environment, such as student grouping during courses and
how time may be used more creatively throughout the day.

A sort of education known as distance learning is delivered digitally through telecommunications.

Before, a correspondence course was used for this, involving frequent emails between the student and
the instructor. Thanks to the advent of more recent technology, distance learning is now provided
through computer-based media, sometimes known as online learning or e-learning. Thus, there were no
longer any restrictions on learning in schools. This was enhanced by the creation of web technologies
that promoted collaborative learning.

Lesson 2

The rising use of technology in daily activities is strongly tied to the growth and popularity of Internet
portal sites. Portals are entry points that provide information ranging from general to niche interests.
These resources could include files and download links for data designed for a specific educational

The total educational experience of pupils is enhanced via an online gateway. It allows them to enroll in
the courses they desire when it suits them. The benefits of educational web development go beyond
only being beneficial to kids; they also apply to instructors.

Educational websites are commonly used by teachers as well. Teachers gain an entirely new viewpoint
thanks to the websites' interactive teaching and learning techniques. They might then use similar
strategies in conventional courses to help pupils understand the material.

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