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Why police and policing need GIS: An overview

Article  in  Annals of GIS · September 2012

DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2012.691900


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Fahui Wang
Louisiana State University


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Why police and policing need GIS: an overview

Fahui Wang
Department of Geography & Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA,

Version of record first published: 05 Jul 2012

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Annals of GIS
Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2012, 159–171

Why police and policing need GIS: an overview

Fahui Wang*
Department of Geography & Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
(Received 16 February 2012; final version received 19 April 2012)

This article provides an overview of major application areas of geographic information systems (GISs) in police departments
and policing practices, mainly in the United States. It begins with a quick review of historical evolution of GIS applications in
law enforcement from prototype computerized crime mapping to sophisticated spatial analysis and its integration in policing
practices. Six major areas of GIS applications in police and policing are discussed with case studies to illustrate the value
of GIS as (1) a partner for field officers, (2) a crime investigation and prevention tool, (3) a policy implementation and
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

evaluation tool, (4) a police force planning tool, (5) a tool for testing crime theories, and (6) a communication tool. The
article is concluded with an outlook for some emerging trends.
Keywords: GIS; crime analysis; law enforcement; policing; review

1. Evolution of geographic information system in However, such an interest quickly faded, and attention was
crime analysis and law enforcement shifted away from geographic variation and oriented to the
As in many application areas, mapping is the foremost impacts of social disorganization on individual behaviors
function of geographic information system (GIS) in crime (Robinson 1982). Such a shift may be partially attributable
analysis. The review begins with tracing the concept and to the large amount of time and effort required for col-
practice of crime mapping. As early as in 1829, the Italian lecting crime data and the arduous process of manually
geographer Adriano Balbi and the French lawyer Andre- drawing maps (Weisburd and McEwen 1997, p. 7). In the
Michel Guerry used data from the first French national meantime, ‘spot maps’ were a common practice in police
system of crime reporting to draw three choropleth maps departments in the United States by physically placing pins
of crimes (crimes against persons, crimes against prop- on large street maps to indicate crime hazards (FBI 1944).
erty, and school instruction) in France on a large sheet of It seemed evident that both academic researchers and
paper (as reviewed by Kenwitz 1987). The maps revealed practitioners could benefit from automated crime mapping.
how the geographic patterns of various crimes were related Among early experiments of computerized crime map-
to each other and also to socioeconomic indicators such ping, Pauly et al. (1967) used the SYMAP program devel-
as educational levels. The ecological perspective of crime oped at Harvard University to map the distribution of
was expanded by Lambert Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian crimes in St. Louis, Missouri, at about the same time
astronomer-turned social statistician, who linked crime to the first GIS (i.e., Canada GIS) was developed (Clarke
more contextual variables such as climate, poverty, trans- 1999, p. 9). At the time, computerized crime mapping
portation routes, and ethnic and cultural variations in addi- required major hardware investment and programming
tion to educational levels (as reported in Stigler 1997). efforts, and technologies for computer-based crime map-
In the United States, mapping of crime and related social ping were primitive. For example, shading of a black-and-
variables was widely used by the urban ecologists at the white choropleth map was implemented by overstriking
University of Chicago (e.g., Park 1915, Sutherland 1924, printer characters for darker symbols. The quality of maps
Shaw and McKay 1942). This group of sociologists rep- was understandably subpar, and yet the technique generated
resenting the Chicago School was credited for developing much excitement, and was strongly advocated by several
the social disorganization theory for crime. The research of police organizations (Buch et al. 1973, Chang et al. 1979).
ecological correlates of crime such as juvenile delinquency The major draw is that the maps helped police focus more
‘necessarily begins with a study of its geographical loca- resources on areas of high crime frequencies. As desk-
tion’ (Shaw 1929, p. 5), and thus naturally relies on maps. top computers became more affordable along with more


ISSN 1947-5683 print/ISSN 1947-5691 online

© 2012 Taylor & Francis
160 F. Wang

user-friendly GIS software, GIS development passed the (Weisburd and McEwen 1997, p. 14). Among various the-
stages of ‘pioneer age’ from the mid-1950 to the 1970s ories of crime, the routine activities approach developed by
and ‘research and development age’ and ‘implementation Cohen and Felson (1979) explains the occurrence of crime
and vendor age’ in the 1980s, and entered the stage of as the confluence of three elements: a motivated offender,
‘client applications age’ in the 1990s (Foresman 1998). a desirable target, and the absence of a capable guardian.
Its applications in law enforcement experienced a signif- This perspective emphasizes the interaction of the three
icant growth in the late 1980s and 1990s. Based on a elements at the same place and at the same time for a
1997 survey conducted by the Crime Mapping Research crime to occur and thus has a focus on ‘place.’ Similarly,
Center (CMRC) of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ, the situational crime prevention approach pioneered by
the research arm of the US Department of Justice), comput- Clarke (1980) suggests reducing criminal opportunities in
erized crime mapping in law enforcement agencies in the very specific contexts as an effective crime control strat-
United States has experienced rapid growth since the late egy. The rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke 1986)
1980s, as shown in Figure 1 (Mamalian et al. 1999). The argues that a potential offender consciously evaluates the
trend has continued into the twenty-first century (Weisburd expected costs and rewards of crime versus alternative
and Lum 2005) and resembles the S-curve of innovation behaviors and, thus, provides the theoretical foundation for
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

diffusion (Rogers 1995). the situational crime prevention measures. Environmental

Three forces came together to make the ‘perfect storm’ criminology advocated by Brantingham and Brantingham
for the rapid growth of GIS adoption in law enforcement (1981) has an unequivocal focus on place. This theoretical
agencies and in crime research since the late 1980s. The shift has also helped change the fate of crime geographers
first and foremost was the advancement of computer and from being ‘displaced’ or marginalized to a major source of
information technologies. Expensive mainframe comput- knowledge and innovations for other criminological fields
ers were replaced by cheaper and more efficient desktop (LeBeau and Leitner 2011).
computers, and developments in mapping and GIS software GIS and related technologies have turned crime map-
made them more powerful and user friendly. Second, crime ping to a powerful decision-making tool for law enforce-
data reporting and archiving became mandatory in the US ment agencies. However, GIS is beyond mapping, and
criminal justice system. In particular, accurate location increasingly so for crime analysis and law enforcement
information (e.g., street address) for crime incidences has (Wang 2005a). The NIJ has been instrumental in promot-
been required in modern police departments. In the mean- ing the use of GIS and spatial analysis in crime research
time, other supporting data in GIS format also became (Wilson 2007). The efforts are exemplified in fund-
standardized and available. For instance, the obscure Dual ing the development of CrimeStat (http://www.nedlevine.
Independent Map Encoding spatial data model used by the com/nedlevine17.htm) and organizing the annual Crime
US census till 1980 was replaced by the more accessi- Mapping Research Conference (
ble Topologically Integrated Geocoding and Referencing maps/welcome.htm). Early applications of GIS in crime
in 1990. The third factor was the theoretical shift in analysis were limited to data archiving, automated pin
criminology from ‘offender-based approaches’ to a focus mapping, and cluster or hot-spot analysis (Harries 1999,
on ‘context of crime,’ that is, the ‘physical, organiza- p. 94), and gradually extended to applications of spatial
tional, and social environments that make crime possible’ statistics in testing spatial autocorrelation (e.g., Wasserman
and Stack 1993, Messner et al. 1999) and construct-
ing spatial-lag variables in regression (e.g., Roncek and
1997 CMRC survey: cumulative distribution of crime Montgomery 1995, Baller et al. 2001, Morenoff et al.
mapping adoption
2001). Most recently, collaborations among the academic
(criminologists, geographers, computer scientists, statisti-
Total number of departments

160 cians, and others), business, and practitioner communities
140 have led to important advancements, and GIS applications
120 have evolved from crime mapping to sophisticated spatial
100 analysis and its integration in daily policing practices, as
80 elaborated in the next six sections on major application
areas of GIS in police and policing.
2. GIS as a partner for field officers

The advancement of geospatial technologies has made GIS

a trusted ‘partner’ for police officers. This section discusses
Figure 1. Growth of computerized crime mapping in law how GIS is used in data reporting, mobile solutions, and
enforcement agencies in the United States (Mamalian et al. 1999). protecting police from lawsuits.
Annals of GIS 161

The quality of data forms the foundation for creditable module gathers information of vehicles by a camera and
research as well as data-driven intelligence-led policing helps locate stolen or wanted vehicles.
(Ratcliffe 2003). Crime underreporting is a common prob- Maps, modernized by GPS and GIS technologies, have
lem at various levels of jurisdictions. Crime researchers been used as a powerful tool in lawsuit. Here, a case
often favor the use of data of serious crimes (e.g., homi- study illustrates how GIS was used to defend an officer
cide) more than data of other crimes because of gen- (Smith 2011). In 1999, a felon after being arrested and con-
eral confidence in the quality of such data (Land et al. victed filed a lawsuit against the City of Shawnee, Kansas,
1990). However, even the data of serious crimes are claiming that police used excessive force while making the
not immune to the problem of data uncertainty. In the arrest. A map (shown in Figure 2) was made in GIS to assist
United States, there have been significant discrepancies, the arresting officer’s testimony. It showed that the suspect
though converging over time, in homicide data between travelled at high speeds through residential areas, running
the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime several red lights and bailing out of his car in a densely
Reporting (UCR) Program focusing on offenders and populated housing project in order to evade the police. The
the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime offender was considered posing a great danger to public
Victimization Survey (NCVS) from the victim’s perspec- safety, and the officer was cleared from the case.
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

tive (Ansari 2010). According to a report released by the

Home Office, the United Kingdom experienced a sudden
22% yearly rise in the most serious violent crimes (mur- 3. GIS as a crime investigation and prevention tool
der, manslaughter, and severe assaults) in 2008 because This section discusses how GIS is used as an effective tool
of underreporting of these crimes in the prior years in crime investigation and prevention. There are ample of
(Swaine 2008). Crimes could also be overreported, par- cases that have demonstrated the value of GIS in solving
ticularly in criminal victimization surveys (Levine 1976). crimes. Many murder cases were solved by police track-
Inaccuracy in crime data invites the criticism of ‘garbage ing cell phones used by victims (e.g., see the report on
in and garbage out’ and undermines the validity of crime solving the murder case of Kelsey Smith at http://www.
studies., or tracking suspects by
For spatially based studies and policing practices, GPS (e.g., see the report on the Brad Jackson case in
geocoding accuracy is a major issue for compiling crime Leipnik et al. 2003). One caution needs to be taken since
data. Traditional geocoding is based on address. Sources the use of GPS for surveillance and evidence gathering
for address-based geocoding errors include typographic may involve a legal issue related to protection of privacy in
errors, abbreviations, address duplication, lack of standard- the United States, exemplified in the most recent Supreme
ization, etc. (Ratcliffe 2004). Errors may also be caused Court’s decision on the US versus Jones case (http://
by loss of concentration by officers in the tedious address- The
typing process, evidenced in a trend of increasing errors following discussion focuses on geographic profiling and
in data input toward the end of the night shift (McCarthy predictive policing because both use more advanced spatial
and Ratcliffe 2005). Modern GIS systems installed on analysis.
patrol cars or handheld GIS devices (e.g., Cody Mobile 7, Geographic profiling has received much media cover-
Spillman’s Mobile Office) detect and correct address errors age after it helped solve several high-profile crimes. The
and increasingly rely on global positioning system (GPS) technique is to predict an unknown criminal’s most proba-
for geocoding to release field officers from much of the ble residence area by analyzing the geographic locations
data entry labor. Automated law enforcement field inter- of a linked series of crimes. Its theoretical foundation
view forms are also used to minimize other errors and save is the well-established finding of distance decay behav-
officers time in crime reporting. A fully integrated GIS- ior on a criminal’s journey to crime (J2C) from his/her
based mobile office for field officers does more than data residence to crime sites (Van Koppen and De Keijser
reporting. One useful function is to link to other contex- 1997, Rengert et al. 1999). In other words, an offender
tual information (neighborhood demography, business and commits most offenses fairly close to home, and the pro-
natural environments, historical crime records, etc.) so that portion of offenses committed decreases with increasing
officers on patrol or dispatched in response to a call can be distance. In addition, the criminal also tries to avoid com-
better prepared on assignments. An automatic vehicle loca- mitting crimes too close to home, within a mental ‘buffer
tion (AVL) module tracks the location of all GPS-equipped zone’ (Brantingham and Brantingham 1981), as shown in
fleet units in real time, identifies the closest officer for Figure 3. Based on a distance decay function for J2C, a
backup, or optimizes response times by dispatching the probability surface is generated for every point in a study
unit closest to a call by accounting for street network and area to represent the likelihood that any given point is
barriers. Information from the AVL system is fed back to the offender’s base (most commonly home or work site).
the command center to help improve the performance of Various functions and parameters have been proposed,
computer-aided dispatch services. A license plate reader most available in CrimeStat, to model the distance decay
162 F. Wang
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Figure 2. Paths of suspect and officer and surrounding areas in a legal case (Smith 2011).

behavior (Levine and Block 2011). Some suggest more fac- Probability of target selection
tors than distance influencing the J2C trips (e.g., Rattner
and Portnov 2007), and others argue that the choices
of function forms have minimal effects on the outcome Buffer zone
of geographic profiling (Hammond and Youngs 2011).
‘Distance’ can also be measured as Euclidean, Manhattan
(as in Rossomo et al. 2005), shortest travel path, or quickest
temporal path (as in Kent et al. 2006). Research indicates
that not a single function or a distance measure is favored
because of the complexity of an offender’s behavior that is
‘predicated on the individual’s mental map’ – one’s own
Residence Distance
perception of the environment (Kent et al. 2006, p. 197).
Geographic profiling is usually applied to the analysis of Figure 3. Crime distance-decay function with buffer zone
series/repeated crimes because data volume is critical for (Rossomo et al. 2005, p. 104).
its success. It is intended to be used, in combination with
other information and investigative techniques, to prioritize factors associated with past events, analysts can predict
leads or direct the geographic focus of an investigation. areas statistically similar to locations where prior incidents
In addition to crime investigation, GIS plays a promi- occurred. In contrast to hot-spot policing, which focuses
nent role in predictive policing, which uses information on areas with a high density of past events (discussed
and advanced analysis to inform forward-thinking crime in Section 5), this approach also detects emerging areas
prevention (Uchida 2010). By identifying environmental with changed environmental factors and thus allows law
Annals of GIS 163

enforcement to ‘proactively prevent and disrupt crime’ in these activities, whose measures could benefit from GIS-
targeted neighborhoods (McCue 2011, p. 4). Gorr and supported spatial analysis. There are two types of spatial
McKay (2005) applied a ‘tracking signal technique’ widely externality. Spatial displacement happens when crime con-
used in management science to estimate trend and season- trol measures cause crime to move away, and therefore,
ality and quickly detect step jumps and outliers in crime crimes are reduced in target areas but increased elsewhere.
trends. The method filters out regular noise and focuses In this instance, there is no overall reduction in crime.
on detecting departures from established time trend pat- Spatial diffusion, in contrast, means that the benefits of
terns. Based on the method with data inputs such as 5-year crime reduction ‘spill over’ to neighbors (free riders) and
monthly crime counts and land use, a crime early warn- lead to a decline of crime in nearby areas as well and
ing system (CEWS) was developed for 1-month-ahead is thus more desirable. Both are unintended side effects
crime forecasts across 100 grid-cell areas in Pittsburgh. or spatial externalities, and lead to crime rates in nearby
The system helps police stay one step ahead of criminals areas to correlate with each other, that is, spatial autocor-
and proves to be a promising tool in proactive policing. relation. Displacement is derived from the rational choice
Predictive policing can be also successful in preventing theory (as discussed in Section 1). If some crime preven-
individual crimes. A recent example is the case of the ‘blue tion action is taken in one area, those seeking to gain from
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bandana bandit’ in Glendale, Arizona. Based on a series crime move to other areas where detection and apprehen-
of robberies, crime analysts used GIS and CrimeStat to sion risks are expected to be lower (Cornish and Clarke
predict where the next one might take place, and police suc- 1987). Most criminals also obey the distance decay rule (as
cessfully made an arrest at the predicted site (http://www. discussed in Section 3) or the familiarity decay rule (Eck 1993), and take a short journey to commit crimes in nearby
areas. Therefore, in a spatial context, a decline in the crime
rate in one area is associated with an increase in the crime
4. GIS as a policy implementation and evaluation tool rate in its nearby areas, and vice versa. Crime diffusion
Some law enforcement and correction tasks have an or free-rider effect can be also explained by the rational
explicit spatial component that requires the use of GIS- choice theory. As criminals have imperfect information,
based technologies for monitoring and evaluation. some believe that certain areas have enhanced protection
On 20 May 2011, the former IMF chief Dominique but do not know the exact areas. Consequently, they are
Strauss-Kahn was remanded to home confinement in a deterred from sites with protection as well as sites with-
New York apartment, and his whereabouts were moni- out protection (Miethe 1991, Clarke and Weisburd 1994,
tored by a GPS device ( Ayres and Levitt 1998). More likely nearby areas bene-
2011/0520/House-arrest-What-ex-IMF-chief-Dominique- fit first. Thus, crime decline in one area leads to crime
Strauss-Kahn-can-expect). High-profile legal cases such as reduction in adjacent areas as well. Several reviews (Eck
this have certainly helped educate the public on the value 1993, Hesseling 1995, Braga 2001) found that spatial dis-
of GPS tracking in law enforcement. However, the use of placement cases were in the minority, and other argued that
GPS and GIS is not limited to monitoring celebrities. For crime displacement in the short term coexisted with crime
example, the Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime diffusion in the long run (Fabrikant 1979).
Tracking (EMPACT) project in Florida automatically The weighted displacement quotient (WDQ), devel-
correlated data from GPS tracking of offenders (proba- oped by Bowers and Johnson (2003), has been used in
tioners, parolees, and offenders on pretrial release) and several recent GIS-based empirical studies for evaluating
local crime incident data through a web-based interface, the spatial externalities of crime prevention operations. The
and determined whether a tracked offender was at the implementation of WDQ requires the definitions of three
scene of a crime incident (Frost 2005). In the United States areas: (1) the target area where the crime reduction strategy
since 2003, Megan’s Law has placed spatial restrictions has been applied, (2) a buffer area where crime would be
on the residential locations of sex offenders, prohibiting displaced or the crime control benefits would be diffused,
them from residing within 1000 feet of any school-related and (3) a control area that acts as a baseline on general
properties (Levenson and Cotter 2005). The implemen- crime trends in the region in general. The WDQ is written
tation of Megan’s Law relies on the proximity analysis as
tool (e.g., buffer) available in any major commercial GIS
software. A study in Hamilton County of Ohio assessed  
Bt1 Ct1 − Bt0 Ct0
the enforcement of the law and revealed that 45% of sex WDQ =  
At1 Ct1 − At0 Ct0
offenders lived within the 1000-foot school restriction
zone (Grubesic et al. 2007), raising other social issues
such as housing availability and equity. where A, B, and C are crime counts in the target area,
One issue in evaluating the effectiveness of crime buffer area, and control area, respectively, and t0 and t1
control strategies is spatial externalities associated with are the time periods before and during the intervention.
164 F. Wang

attributable to the turning tide of crime theory to focus

No Diffusion or Displacement
Displacement > Direct effects

Displacement = Direct effects

Displacement < Direct effects

on place instead of people, as explained in Section 1. The

Diffusion < Direct effects

Diffusion = Direct effects

Diffusion > Direct effects

concentration of crime in limited areas is astonishing, and
naturally invites place-based policing (Weisburd 2008). For
example, 3% of the city’s addresses accounted for 50%
of calls for service to the police in Minneapolis (Sherman
et al. 1989), and about 4% of streets and intersection areas
generated nearly 50% of the city’s narcotics arrests and
almost 42% of the disorder arrests in Jersey City, New
Jersey (Weisburd and Mazerolle 2000). This section dis-
cusses two practices that rely on GIS for effective police
–1 0 1 WDQ
force planning: hot-spot policing and police districting.
Displacement increases Diffusion increases Hot-spot policing plans and adjusts the deployment
of police force in accordance with the geographic varia-
Figure 4. Seven scenarios for WDQ-based evaluation of spatial tion of crime and focuses police patrol on crime hot spots
externalities in policing.
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

(Weisdud 2005). A common definition of hot spot is an

  area with ‘a greater than average number of criminal or
The numerator (Bt1 Ct1 − Bt0 Ct0 ) represents a buffer disorder events’ (Eck et al. 2005, p. 8). Earlier studies

displacement measure, and the denominator (At1 Ct1 − of hot spots used basic methods such as visual interpre-

At0 Ct0 ) represents a success measure. Based on Bowers tation, choropleth mapping, and grid-cell density analysis
and Johnson (2003), there are seven likely outcomes corre- (Jefferis 1999). Grid-cell density analysis uses the kernel
sponding to the value of WDQ falling in different ranges as density estimation, the empirical Bayes estimation, and
shown in Figure 4. other spatial smoothing methods to convert discrete points
Hall and Liu (2009) used a modified spatiotemporal of crime events to a continuous density map, which shows
WDQ index to examine the effects of an aggressive polic- relative concentrations of crime in certain areas. However,
ing operation in Cincinnati, Ohio. Specifically, the control local pockets of crime concentration or elevated crime
area was defined as the same area as the target area (or rates may arise simply by chance alone, and require rig-
the buffer area) but with data from a prior time period in orous statistical analysis to detect clusters (hot spots) that
order to mitigate the problem of the control area being cor- are statistically significant (Wang 2006, p. 167). Free soft-
rupted by large-scale displacement. By using various buffer ware such as CrimeStat, SaTScan (, or
sizes to define the buffer area, they found a diffusion of GeoDa ( contain the tool that iden-
benefits to be taking place at the immediate neighboring tifies hot spots within regular shapes such as circles or
areas, but crime displacement at a greater distance from eclipses. Attempts have also been made to detect flexi-
the operation deployment area. In addition to examining bly shaped clusters (e.g., Grubesic and Murray 2001), as
the changes in crime density maps and based on the mean shown in Figure 5, but the challenge remains to develop
centers of crimes, Lowry and La Vigne (2011) also used the robust geometric and statistical measures for determining
WDQ index to measure whether the installation of a camera cluster significance. Among the various spatial autocorre-
surveillance system in a neighborhood in Chicago gener- lation indices, the Gi∗ statistic developed by Getis and Ord
ated spatial externalities in the crime pattern. The results (1992) is used most often to identify local clusters with sta-
revealed no definitive signs of diffusion of benefits beyond tistically significant high or low crime rates (corresponding
the camera viewsheds and no findings of displacement. to hot and cold spots), available in the popular GIS software
Ratcliffe and Breen (2011) used the WDQ index to assess ArcGIS. Empirical studies have shown that hot-spot polic-
the effects from a series of directed and geographically tar- ing is largely effective with no apparent or major crime
geted enforcement initiatives in Camden, New Jersey, in displacement (Weisburd 2005).
2005. To address a major concern of the WDQ for lack of a The basic objectives in police districting include meet-
measure of statistical significance, a phi statistic was devel- ing the agency’s response time threshold, minimizing the
oped to measure the level of association between the target cost of operation, and balancing workload across districts
and the buffer areas. The study found a diffusion of benefits (Taylor and Huxley 1989). Few of the advanced mathe-
approximately equal to the direct effects of the operation in matical models for districting, proposed several decades
the target area. ago (Reinier et al. 1977), were implemented until the
advancement of GIS and computer technology enabled
the computation in a reasonable time period. Several
5. GIS as a police force planning tool case studies of police districting were presented in a
The rising role of GIS in law enforcement in general and recent issue of Geography & Public Safety (http://www.nij.
police force planning and deployment in particular can be gov/maps/gps-bulletin-v1i4.pdf). ArcGIS has a districting
Annals of GIS 165

Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Hull/Member Ratio = 0.1554
Avg. Distance = 434.8

Hull/Member Ratio = 0.0662

Avg. Distance = 677.9
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

Hull/Member Ratio = 0.3904

Avg. Distance = 278.87
Cluster 3

Figure 5. Detecting flexibly shaped clusters (Grubesic and Murray 2001, p. 9).

extension that helps analysts test various scenarios of significant implications in methodological development in
district boundaries and review the outcomes including spatial analysis.
projected workloads ( The first set of case studies uses the agent-based
extensions/districting/). However, studies integrating GIS modeling (ABM) to simulate and test the routine activity
and mathematical modeling for police districting remain theory. Liu et al. (2005) used a cellular automaton model
a rarity. One exception is a study by Curtin et al. (2005) to simulate street robbery patterns in a small neighborhood
that applied an optimal covering model to define the most near downtown Cincinnati. Based on the routine activity
efficient police patrol areas (i.e., maximizing the number theory, the model considered offenders, targets, and crime
of incidents served while meeting an acceptable response places as individual agents and simulated crime patterns
time). The method took GIS data layers of incidents (e.g., based on the interaction between these three agents at a
service calls) and road network, used linear programming specific time. The model was implemented in Visual C++.
to formulate the optimization problem, and found heuristic The calibrated simulation model generated crimes simi-
solutions that increase the current level of police service. lar to actual crimes in both the total number of crimes
The study shows great potentials of ‘optimal districting.’ and their spatial distribution, as shown in Figure 6. The
More work needs to be done to explore other goals such work by Groff (2007a, 2007b, 2008) was similar in that
as minimizing total costs (response time), minimizing the ABM was used to examine robbery patterns based on the
number of districts (dispatch centers), maximizing equal routine activity theory. In implementation, she used the
accessibility or a combination of multiple goals (Wang software product Agent Analyst to pair the GIS software
2012), and evaluate the benefits of various scenarios. ArcGIS with the ABM software RepastPy (North et al.
2006). By doing so, individuals were modeled in a real geo-
graphic environment and various scenarios were simulated
6. GIS as a tool for testing crime theories through the inputs of ABM. Although the models reviewed
There is a large body of literature on GIS applications here remain simple, the approach demonstrated its promise
in crime research. This section briefly reviews a few as a virtual laboratory for ‘exploring the impact of policy
case studies of using GIS to test crime theories, all with decisions’ (Groff 2008, p. 114), where various scenarios
166 F. Wang

(a) (b)
1 5 8 13
6 9

Historical crime pattern Simulated crime pattern
1 1
15 2–3 4–5
4–5 6–8
10 6–8 9–15
3 16 9–15
11 12 16–23
18 16–23
4 24–31

Figure 6. Spatial pattern of street robberies: (a) actual crimes 1997–98 and (b) cellular automaton-simulated crimes (Liu et al. 2005,
p. 209).
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of experiments are costly to design and implement. See jobs to resident workers within a reasonable commuting
Liu and Eck (2008) for more case studies of GIS-based range from a residential location. The index value changed
simulation of crime. as the targeted residential location moved from place to
The second set of case studies is related to the small place, and thus captured the variation of local job mar-
population problem, often encountered in the analysis of ket condition across the study area. They found that the
crime data, where the rate estimates for rare crimes such as index was highly correlated with crime rates in Cleveland,
homicide in small populations are unstable and very sus- Ohio. Another study by Wang and Arnold (2008) devel-
ceptible to data errors. One viable approach to mitigate oped a localized income inequality (LII) index to measure
the problem is to construct larger areas from small ones so the relative inequality when people compare their situa-
that the base population is sufficiently large and compara- tion to those around them. The LII, defined as the ratio
ble across areas, commonly referred to as ‘regionalization.’ of average income of a neighborhood’s contiguous areas
Several GIS-based automated regionalization methods to its own income (Figure 7), added a new dimension to
have been proposed to merge similar and adjacent areas
to form larger regions including the AZP (Openshaw
1977, Grady and Enander 2009), MaxP (Duque et al.
2007), and REDCAP (Guo 2008). Wang and O’Brien j=2 j=3
(2005) used some regionalization methods to test the $30,000 $50,000
herding-culture-of-honor hypothesis proposed by Nisbett
(1993) and Reaves (1992). The hypothesis argues that areas
where topography or precipitation limited agriculture to j=1
marginal farming and herding (dry plain and moist hill $70,000
counties) had a chronic threat of livestock theft and should $25,000
have higher homicide rates than those areas where farming
was the major form of agriculture (moist plain coun-
ties). The result indicated that the herding-culture-of-honor
hypothesis proposed by Nisbett (1993) and Reaves (1992)
was merely an artifact of less reliable estimate of homi-
cide rates in counties with small population than counties i=5
of large population in southeastern United States. In other $40,000
studies, a regionalization method based on the scale-space i=7
theory was applied to the analysis of homicide rates in i=6 $50,000
Chicago (Wang 2005b, Mu and Wang 2008). The results $60,000
showed that the method was able to minimize informa-
tion loss in data aggregation and mitigate the modifiable
area unit problem, another problem common in analysis of
Subject area
geographic data.
Contiguous area (Rook)
The final set of case studies involves the construction Contiguous area (Queen)
of localized measures in crime studies. Wang and Minor
(2002) used the GIS-based network analysis technique to Figure 7. Defining contiguous areas and localized income
measure a localized job accessibility index as the ratio of inequality (Wang and Arnold 2008, p. 263).
Annals of GIS 167

concentrated disadvantage in urban areas and made it a breaking down barriers between jurisdictions and agencies.
stronger predictor of homicide rates across various areal One example is the Community Mapping, Planning and
units in Chicago. Analysis for Safety Strategies (COMPASS) project in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (
website/compass/viewer.htm; Figure 8). The project
7. GIS as a communication tool brought together a wide range of data (traffic, property,
Two functions highlight the value of GIS as a commu- crime, public services, health, etc.) from different depart-
nication tool in law enforcement: (1) facilitating inter- ments and used a web GIS platform to support better
jurisdictional and cross-departmental data sharing and access to crime-relevant data and facilitate communi-
(2) enhancing information dissemination to the public and cation among citizens, the scientific community, and
encouraging public participation. policy-makers (Albrecht and Pingel 2005).
In the era of rapid growth in transportation and GIS is also used as an effective way to inform citi-
telecommunication, criminals are becoming increas- zens of updated crime information in their neighborhood
ingly mobile. The need for data (including spatial data) and empower citizens to take caution or report valuable
sharing among law enforcement agencies over differ- information. For example, the Citizen Law Enforcement
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

ent jurisdictions has become more pressing. Many law Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR) MAP web application,
enforcement fusion centers have been created across maintained by the Chicago Police Department (http://gis.
the United States to integrate data from multiple agen-, enables citizens to search crimes in the
cies and help facilitate local, state, county, and federal past 90 days by an address, around a school or park, by var-
data sharing. Even within the same municipality or ious geographic areas (community area, ward, police beat,
county or state, lack of communication across various and district). The ‘IdentifyLA’ (
departments can seriously hinder the ability of data- web site, maintained by the FACES laboratory of Louisiana
led intelligent policing. GIS plays an important role in State University, maps all missing and unidentified people

Figure 8. The COMPASS project in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

168 F. Wang

in Louisiana online and allows users to search cases by 2011, p. 167) and, thus, hinder its dissemination. One
keywords, location, parish, etc. The program invites wide proven effective channel to bridge the two is ‘career migra-
citizen participation in solving pending cases. By doing so, tion’ between the two. A practitioner-turned academic or
GIS, particularly through various web GIS platforms, will an academic-turned practitioner certainly commands more
become truly ‘people’s GIS,’ a concept promoted by those respect from the colleagues working in the conjunction of
advocating participatory GIS (Dunn 2007). GIS and policing.

8. Concluding remarks Acknowledgements

An earlier version of the article was presented as a keynote
The preceding sections provide a glimpse of major appli-
speech at the National Conference on GIS Applications in Police
cation areas of GIS in crime analysis and law enforcement. in Beijing, 19–20 July 2011. I benefited from another keynote
The overview is intended for readers, many working in speech by Susan Smith, and insightful comments by Rixing He
the field of GIS but not familiar with its police applica- and Daliang Zhou at the Conference.
tions, or others in law enforcement but not aware of the
full potentials of GIS. The related literature has grown
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 18:15 06 July 2012

tremendously along with the growth of GIS technologies.

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