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Hello Change Seeker,

I’d personally like to welcome you to Your Absolute Best Year Yet.

Outer excellence begins with personal leadership so in this program I’ll show
you exactly what the best do to operate at their peak.

How The Program Is Run

This is a 12 week learning experience. One that will dramatically accelerate
your growth and transform your life forever. Take lots of notes as you go
through each session. Engage with the material. Do the exercises and really
let the information change the way you work.

It’s my privilege to serve as your leadership coach to help you get to your
absolute best.

Here’s to your best year yet.

Ground Rules
You’ll get what you give. You know so well that you can’t get something for
nothing. The more you give to this program by committing to it, doing the
work, following through on the exercises and being patient with the process,
the more spectacular the results you will see.

Related to this is the imperative of being open versus closed.The best of the
best (executives/entrepreneurs/ athletes/musicians) remain open to learning.
They have a “holy curiosity” for new ideas and are not afraid to try them. All it
takes is one good idea to take your organization or your personal life to a
completely new level of excellence.

Google became Google because of one idea: A better way to search on the

Apple became a market leader because of one good idea: the iPod.

And Warren Buffet became Warren Buffet because of one good idea: Value
investing versus following market fluctuations.
Dream big but start small. Small daily improvements over time lead to
stunning results. Organizations such as Apple or FedEx or Amazon were not
built in a day. As a matter of fact, very few businesses are “rocket ship
companies”. Very few businesses go from 0 to 60 in 12 months. Most great
enterprises were built over 20 to 30 years. The best organizations were built
through evolution versus revolution-as are the greatest lives. What do I mean
by this? World-Class comes from little improvements done every day with
great consistency. But over time, these small steady improvements stack up
into revolutionary leaps in excellence and success.
The Process of this Program:
The Videos

In each video you will find fresh content and big ideas to help you take your
personal life to a whole new level of Wow.

Each video will also provide specific real-world tactics so that you can execute
flawlessly around the ideas to see real results. It is my suggestion that you
review the videos a number of times to integrate and deepen the learning as
well as discuss them with your team.

Bonus Audio Coaching Sessions

The audio coaching element of this process is very powerful as well. You will
learn exactly what the super-rich/best leaders/greatest human beings are
doing in their private lives as well as professional lives to generate their rare-
air results. Again, listen to the audios regularly to integrate the learning so that
they become a part of your way of being.

Webinars Recordings

During the 12 webinar recordings, I'll teach you content to get all your goals
done and share ways to overcome common obstacles to transformation.

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