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Data Communication and Networking Question Bank

1. What is data communication and what are the data communication components. ? 2. How the communication can take place between two devices. ? 3. Explain point to point and multipoint connection. 4. Explain five physical Topologies for networking. 5. Explain Different categories of network. 6. Explain in brief seven layers of the OSI model. 7. Explain TCP/IP protocol suite. 8. What do you mean by logical addressing and explain how it is differed from port addressing. 9. Define following terms (Also write equation for necessary terms). a. Analog Data b. Digital Data c. Analog Signal d. Digital Signal e. Periodic and Non-Periodic signal f. Peak Amplitude g. Period h. Frequency i. Phase j. Wavelength k. Bandwidth l. Bit Rate m. Bit Length n. Fundamental frequency. o. Throughput p. Latency(Delay) q. Propagation Time r. Transmission Time s. Router t. Switch u. Hub v. Bridge w. Gateway

10. What do you mean by time and frequency domains of a signal? 11. What is composite signals and Draw signals for composite periodic signal. 12. What is Digital signal and how it is represented with more than one signal levels Explain with example. 13. Explain Transmission impairments in brief with suitable figures and equation. 14. What is signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) 15. Enlist factor which is effecting to Data Rate and explain how it can be calculated using Nyquist Bit Rate for Noiseless Channel and Shannon Capacity for Noisy Channel. 16. Explain Signal Element Vs Data Elements. 17. Explain Data Rate Vs Signal Rate. 18. Explain in brief Base line Wandering , DC Components and Self Synchronization. 19. Explain Line Coding schemes to convert Digital signal into Digital signal. * 20. Explain Block Coding schemes to convert Digital signal into Digital signal. * 21. Explain Scrambling schemes to convert Digital signal into Digital signal. * 22. What is analog to digital conversion and which technique is used to convert From Analog signal into Digital Signal. 23. Explain Pulse Code Modulation Technique(PCM). 24. Explain Delta Modulation(DM) 25. Explain various Transmission modes. 26. What is Digital to analog conversion? 27. Explain three mechanism for modulating digital data into an analog signal. 28. What is analog to analog conversion and explain three modulation techniques. 29. What is Multiplexing and De-multiplexing. 30. Explain FDM, WDM and TDM. 31. Write short note on Transmission Media.

Notes : *Any coding scheme can be asked individually in the examination and also prepare examples which we did in the class lectures.

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