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Katherine Anne M.


Hook 9.2

Your Topic: The Crests and Troughs of High School

Column A: Type of Question Column B: Your Question

1. Who Who are the people who shape you in high school?
2. What What are the experiences and changes high school brings?
3. Why Why is high school considered a turning point in our lives?
4. Where Where do we make the best memories of our lives?
5. When When do we grow and build our identities?
6. How How will our experiences in high school define us as

Navigate 9.4

Most Appropriate Pattern for Your Topic: The Narrative Pattern

The narrative pattern would be most appropriate for my topic since my speech aims to entertain
my audience with the stories of my high school life, especially since classes are being conducted
online nowadays. This pattern takes a more personal and informal approach. It will enable me to
tell my stories and to inspire my target audience. I can tell them about how the crest and troughs
of high school change us and deliver my speech in an entertaining manner so that their attention
will not be lost.

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