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English is the world's first international language.

It is the principal language

spoken in Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some other
countries such as Uganda and Botswana. About 320 million people speak English as
their first language - about the same number as Spanish, but less than Mandarin
Chinese or Hindi.
The total number of English speakers in the world is estimated to be about 460
million - second only to Mandarin Chinese. English is the main second language in
India, South Africa and many parts of Africa and Asia. But - more and more - it is
also the language of international commerce, of business, of diplomacy and of

How did English reach this special position?

Mostly, it was a result of chance...

Britain was the world's most active colonial  nation in the 19th century, and British
explorers and colonists took their language with them wherever they went. English
became the official language of most of Britain's colonies. In the 20th century,
America has been the world's most powerful nation - and Americans have brought
the English language to other countries of the world. 
The importance of American international corporations has made sure that English
has become the international language of business; and Hollywood and the music
industry have made sure that it has become the principal language for the media
and showbiz.

But other factors have helped with the international development of  English too.  
In recent times, as English has become a global language, used in different places
all over the world, it has become a much richer language than in the past. It has
picked up new words from other cultures, other languages, such as bungalow (from
India),  détente (from French), kebab (from Turkey), potato (from American
Indian) - plus a lot of modern slang from America.

Today's English is different from the English of 100 years ago; it is pronounced
differently too - and no doubt, it will be even more different in 100 years' time.

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