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+HI doctor Smith

+ Not very good Doc

+ I have an earache, and it really

hurts, and I'm a little dizzy

+ No, I don’t

+ No, I feel pretty terrific, it's

just my ear
+ It isn’t constant, just from time
to time

+ No, I actually have a lot of

energy, I actually go swimming all
the time
(Checks her throat)

+ No, not every day, probably 3 times

a week

+ Is it serious?
+ ok, sounds good

+ One pill in the morning and

eardrops at night. And can I swim?

+ Thanks Doc

+Hey doc are you okay?

+ Is the pain here or here?

+ Ok… does it hurt all the time?

+ Ok I have just the thing. Stand up


+ My father has the same back pain, I

can help you

+ this will only take a minute

+ Take your left leg, push it up to

your chest, like this, and turn your
body to the right.
(The doctor improves)

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