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DATE: Tuesday 8.16.2022. HOUR: 10:00 am
PLACE: Zoom Meeting GOAL: Establish a direct relationship with the
representative of the law firm London House
Chambers Attorneys to achieve a Strategic
Alliance between both firms.

It was connected via zoom, on behalf of LONDON HOUSE CHAMBERS ATTORNEYS, the
Director of the Firm, Mr. Devindra Kissoon, and on behalf of the firm Perez Burelli & Calzadilla, Mr.
Adolfo Calzadilla, Director of the firm and the Engineer were present Pedro Tabata, firm consultant.


The meeting begins by thanking Mr. Kissoon for the time granted to carry
out this meeting, in order to establish a relationship and alliance between
both firms due to the rise of Guyanese citizens who are in Venezuelan
territory, specifically in Anzoátegui state, state where our firm is located
and established for more than 25 years. Mr. Kissoon is exposed to the
trajectory of our firm, sharing and expressing that his work philosophy is
very similar to ours, finding in common the work performance of both
businessmen present at the meeting.

Engineer Pedro Tabata explains the reason why it was decided to

approach the law firm in Guyana because there are potential clients from
Guyana interested in buying various Venezuelan products to be imported
into their territory. The purpose of this alliance is that LONDON HOUSE
CHAMBERS ATTORNEYS, be the ones who advise and assist them as
to what are the benefits that they can choose for the items to be imported
to Guyana.
The idea of this meeting is to establish, through our firm, an Alliance with
implement working mechanisms to offer future clients that we can remit
from Venezuela to Guyana and vice versa. In the discussion, it is
established that communication regarding clients should be handled by
the nature of each case, that is, if the activity to be developed is
established in Guyanese territory, who must carry out all the assistance
of potential clients. as long as they are sent by us, this in order to
guarantee that there is a single line of communication. In the same way,
it is the case when they are Guyanese clients who develop commercial
activities in Venezuelan territory, all these work mechanisms will be
established in the commercial alliance.

 Define work mechanism to be implemented in both Guyana and

Venezuela by both firms.

 Sign strategic alliance between London Chambers House Attorneys

and Perez Burelli & Calzadilla.


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