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Honestly Law on Obligations and Contracts have topics that is confusing and

challenging to understand. Before our class started, I always think that I will get a hard
time understanding the concepts about this subject and because this subject will
definitely need a lot of readings, and searching about unfamiliar and obscure
terminologies. Joint and Solidary Obligations is one of the topics that I am still having
hard time to understand. I’m having trouble in identifying which one is solidary or joint
obligation. One thing I realized during our lessons and discussions is that I should’ve
exert more effort by always reading in advance, understand what I’m reading and
analyze it so before the class will start, I already have an idea about what was the topic
all about and it will be easier for me to understand further the topics.

For some people or students, this subject does not mean anything for them but for me
as an Accountancy student, it really means a lot to me. Why? First of all, it is very useful
learning that I can apply when I get a job. And, it will also serve as foundation of my
knowledge about laws, obligations of a person, when does a person is accountable for
his/her action and etc.

ObliCon illustrates individuals the good side of the law. I was able to perceive the rights
and privileges we have and the circumstances under which we may benefit from them.
For me studying this subject is very interesting and fun because I learned things that
does not only related to the law but things that can be useful in our daily lives especially
to students who are looking forward to pursue Law in the future.

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