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BILL: hi victoria, adrian and jhojan. I am Bill Huarcaya. How are they?

ADRIAN: Gud afternoon bel, Victoria and jhojan. I am adrian chamorro

VICTORIA: hi, nice to meet you bill, adrian and jhojan. I am Victoria Ramirez.

BILL: what do you usually do on holidays adrian?

ADRIAN: Hay yuchui travel te tambes tu vese may grandsparents. Hay also laik tu wad oraund
di escuar gui may friends. Aq nain hay yuchui gou tu disco tu dans an distract mayself. An yu
jhojan. What du yu yuchui du on joledeys

JHOJAN: On my holidays I sometimes play soccer with my childhood friends. I also play video
games with my brothers. I like it a lot. Finally, I like to go to the cinema with my family and
spend a pleasant moment. And you Victoria? What do you usually do on holidays?

VICTORIA: I usually ride a bike in the mornings. In the afternoons I sometimes go to the pool
with my friends to practice swimming strokes. At night I love to watch series on Netflix until
very late. And your bill? What do you usually do on holidays?

BILL: On vacation, I usually go to the gym with my brother. I also like to go to the beach with
my friends on weekends. I spend a very pleasant moment. At night I sometimes go for a run.
And now that the holidays are over, what are you doing now, Adrian?

ADRIAN: Guel, hay havin virtol clases at di yuniversidy. Reik naun ayam studin for may
qualifaud practeces an tu bi ebo tu get goud greis. An what abaut yu jhojan, what ar yu doing

JHOJAN: Unlike you, I am having face-to-face classes and every morning I am getting up very
early to go to university. Now I am going to a colleague's house to do a group project. And you,
Victoria, what are you doing now?

VICTORIA: Right now I'm going to work in the navy. and at the same time I am focusing on my
university studies. At night I am having virtual classes, and I stay up late studying. I want to get
good grades. And you Bill, what are you doing now?

BILL: what a coincidence I am also going to work to be able to pay for my studies at the
university, and have a professional career. I am also studying at night and having virtual
classes. Ok my dear friends, see you another day.

ADRIAN: Bai bel jhojan an Victoria

JHOJAN: see you bill, adrian and victoria

VICTORIA: bye bill, adrian and jhojan. take care

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