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Discussion 5 ST. FR






Discussion 5 ST. FR

Hobson's work critiques the liberal notion that race does not matter. Hobson argues that

race is central to American history and culture and that this fact has been obscured by liberals

who deny its importance. She says that it was racism in America that gave rise to modern

capitalism, rather than the other way around, as many liberals believe. She also argues that

racism has become more sophisticated since the 1960s and must be considered when analyzing

contemporary society (Hobson, 2012).

Knowing how to handle conversations concerning racism can be challenging, especially

for leaders who are not accustomed to regularly facing issues of this nature.

Some employers provide evidence that white candidates with a criminal history are given

preference over black candidates who have never been convicted of a crime (Bellamy, 2019). If

you cannot talk honestly and listen freely about the current situation, 

it's significantly more difficult, if not impossible, to answer an issue. Therefore,

this is as true of the racism problem in America as

any cultural issue. With that, when left unsupervised, the situation worsens.

People are pretty awkward when talking about race, she said.

She referred to it as the conversational equivalent of touching the third rail.

Hobson discussed the findings of a study that found highly successful organizations do

not disregard the issue of race but rather actively deal with it head-on. The study also encourages

individuals to participate in open and sometimes tricky debates about race.



Bellamy, A. J. (2019). World Peace and How We Can Achieve It. Oxford University Press, USA.

Hobson, J. (2012). Body as Evidence: Mediating race, globalizing gender. Suny Press.

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