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100 verbes anglais de mouvements et d'action

to applaud → applaudir to listen → écouter

to approach → s'approcher to lose weight → perdre du poids
to back off → reculer to move → bouger
to bend → plier to open → ouvrir
to bite → mordre to park → se garer
to blink → cligner des yeux to pick up → ramasser
to blow → souffler to point → pointer
to break → casser to pour → verser
to breathe → respirer to pull → tirer
to build → construire to punch → frapper
to carry → porter to push → pousser
to catch → attraper to raise → augmenter
to chew → mâcher to reach → atteindre
to choose → choisir to read → lire
to climb → escalader to repeat → répéter
to close → fermer to roll → à rouler
to cook → cuisiner to run → courir
to count → compter to scream → hurler
to crawl → ramper to see → à voir
to crouch → s'accroupir to shake → secouer
to cry → pleurer to shower → se doucher
to dance → danser to shrug → hausser les épaules
to descend → descendre to sing → chanter
to dive → plonger to sit down → s'asseoir
to dodge → esquiver to sleep → dormir
to drag → traîner to slide → glisser
to dream → rêver to smell → sentir
to drink → boire to sniff → renifler
to drive → conduire to squat → s'accroupir
to eat → manger to stand up → se lever
to enter → entrer to steal → voler
to evade → s'évader to swallow → avaler
to exit → pour quitter to sweat → suer
to fall → tomber to swim → nager
to fix (something) → pour réparer (quelque chose) to take → prendre
to float → flotter to talk → parler
to follow (someone) → suivre (quelqu'un) to teach → enseigner
to get fat → devenir gros to think → penser
to give → donner to throw → lancer
to hit → frapper to touch → toucher
to hug → caliner to turn around → tourner en rond
to jump → sauter to walk → marcher
to kick → donner un coup de pied to watch → regarder
to kiss → embrasser to whisper → chuchoter
to kneel → se mettre à genoux to whistle → siffler
to laugh → rire to wink → faire un clin d'oeil
to leap → bondir to work → travailler
to lick → lécher to write → écrire
to lie down → se coucher to yawn → bailler
to lift up → de soulever to yell → crier


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