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Cephalometric evaluation of symmetric and

asymmetric extraction treatment for patients
with Class II subdivision malocclusions
Guilherme Janson,a Paulo Eduardo Guedes Carvalho,b Rodrigo Hermont Cançado,b
Marcos Roberto de Freitas,a and José Fernando Castanha Henriquesa
Bauru, Brazil

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to cephalometrically compare the dentoskeletal and soft-tissue
changes consequent to orthodontic treatment in patients with Class II subdivision malocclusion treated with
asymmetric and symmetric extractions. Methods: The sample included 54 patients with Class II subdivision
malocclusion and full complement of permanent teeth, including first molars, at the beginning of treatment.
Patients in group 1 (n ⫽ 27) were treated with the asymmetric extraction of 3 premolars and had initial and
final mean ages of 14.07 and 16.71 years. Patients in group 2 (n ⫽ 27) were treated with the symmetric
extraction of 4 premolars and had initial and final mean ages of 13.35 and 15.75 years. Lateral cephalometric
radiographs were taken at pretreatment and posttreatment. T tests were used to compare the groups at
pretreatment and the treatment changes between groups. Results: The results demonstrated that the
asymmetric extraction group had significantly less mandibular incisor retraction, less soft-tissue retraction,
and greater increases in mandibular incisor extrusion and mandibular molar asymmetry index than the
symmetric extraction group. Conclusions: It was concluded that the 3-premolar asymmetric extraction
protocol in Class II subdivision malocclusions produces significantly less mandibular incisor and soft-tissue
retraction than the 4-premolar extraction protocol. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:28-35)

reatment of Class II subdivision malocclusions tissues in Class II subdivision malocclusions treated with

T with 3 premolar extractions provides a better

occlusal result compared with 4-premolar ex-
traction treatment.1 Because only 1 premolar is ex-
3 premolar extractions, are similar to the 4-premolar
extractions protocol.”

tracted in the mandibular arch in the 3-premolar extrac-

tion protocol, it seems reasonable to assume that the
cephalometric changes, especially the amounts of man- The sample, retrospectively selected from the files
dibular incisor and soft-tissue retractions are smaller than of the orthodontic department at Bauru Dental School,
in the 4-premolar extraction protocol. However, whether University of São Paulo, Brazil, consisted of initial and
these amounts of retraction are significantly different final lateral cephalometric radiographs of 54 Class II
between the 2 extraction protocols has not been evaluated subdivision malocclusion patients, treated with edge-
to definitely support this assumption. Therefore, the ob- wise appliances, divided into 2 groups. Group 1 in-
jective of this investigation was to test the following null cluded 27 patients (12 male, 15 female) treated with 3
hypothesis: “the cephalometric changes, especially the asymmetric extractions, at an initial mean age of 14.07
amounts of retraction of the mandibular incisors and soft years (SD ⫽ 1.60; range, 11.08-17.00 years). Group 2
included 27 patients (12 male, 15 female) treated with
Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, 4 symmetric extractions, at an initial mean age of 13.35
Brazil. years (SD ⫽ 1.33; range, 11.33-15.75 years). The
Professor. selection criteria were full Class II molar relationship
Graduate student.
Based on research by Paulo Eduardo Guedes Carvalho in partial fulfillment of on 1 side and Class I molar relationship on the other, as
the requirements for the degree of PhD in orthodontics at Bauru Dental School, well as all permanent teeth present up to the first
University of São Paulo. molars. Sample selection was based exclusively on the
Reprint requests to: Guilherme Janson, Department of Orthodontics, Bauru
Dental School, University of São Paulo, Alameda Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla initial anteroposterior dental relationship, regardless of
9-75, Bauru, SP, 17012-901, Brazil; e-mail, any other dentoalveolar or skeletal characteristic. For-
Submitted, March 2005; revised and accepted, July 2005. ty-seven patients had Class II Division 1 subdivision
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists. malocclusions (22 in group 1, 25 in group 2), and 7 had
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2005.07.024 Class II Division 2 subdivision malocclusions (5 in
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 29
Volume 132, Number 1

Table I. Definitions of less usual cephalometric variables

Mx6-PTV (mm) Perpendicular distance from most posterior point on distal surface of maxillary first permanent molar to pterygoid vertical
plane (PTV)
Mx6-PP (mm) Perpendicular distance from mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar to palatal plane
Md6-PTV (mm) Perpendicular distance from most posterior point on distal surface of mandibular first permanent molar to PTV
Md6-MP (mm) Perpendicular distance from mesiobuccal cusp of mandibular first molar to mandibular plane
Mx1.NA (°) Maxillary incisor long axis to NA angle
Mx1-NA (mm) Distance between most anterior point of maxillary incisor crown and NA line
Mx1.PP (°) Maxillary incisor long axis to palatal plane angle
Mx1-Aperp (mm) Perpendicular distance from most anterior point of maxillary incisor crown to Frankfort perpendicular line, through
Mx1-PP (mm) Perpendicular distance between maxillary central incisor edge and palatal plane
Md1.NB (°) Mandibular incisor long axis to NB angle
Md1-NB (mm) Distance between most anterior point of mandibular incisor crown and NB line
Md1.MP (°) Mandibular incisor long axis to mandibular plane angle
Md1-Bperp (mm) Perpendicular distance from most anterior point of mandibular incisor crown to mandibular plane perpendicular, through
Md1-MP (mm) Perpendicular distance between incisal edge of mandibular incisor and mandibular plane
H.NB (°) Line H (harmony line, tangent to soft-tissue chin and upper lip32) to NB angle
H-Pr (mm) Perpendicular distance between line H and Pr (most anterior point of nose)
H-LL (mm) Perpendicular distance between line H and LL (most anterior point of lower lip)

group 1, 2 in group 2). The extractions included rected in the 3 premolar extraction protocol. If a
especially the first premolars, with only 4 patients of 0.021 ⫻ 0.025-in wire is used, the dimensions of the
group 1 and 3 of group 2 having extractions of the rectangular wire are electrolytically reduced in the
second premolars. Two patients of group 1 had extrac- posterior segments to lower the friction forces with
tion of 1 mandibular second premolar, 1 had extraction the brackets and tubes. Retraction of the canines and
of 1 maxillary second premolar, and 1 had extraction of the anterior teeth is performed with elastic chains.
1 maxillary and 1 mandibular second premolars. Three Deep overbites are usually corrected by reversing
patients of group 2 had extractions of the mandibular and accentuating the curve of Spee of the stainless
second premolars. steel archwires from the beginning, until an overcor-
The mechanics used with fixed edgewise appli- rection is obtained. This overcorrection is maintained
ances are 0.022 ⫻ 0.028-in brackets, with extraoral by accentuating and reversing the curve of Spee in
headgear and lip bumper to reinforce anchorage for the rectangular wire as well. Fixed or removable
the maxillary and mandibular teeth, respectively, functional appliances were not used in the groups.
when necessary. Class II elastics are also used when Lateral cephalometric radiographs of the patients of
needed, especially in the 4-premolar extraction pro- both groups were obtained from each subject at 2
tocol, to aid in correcting the molar Class II antero- stages: before treatment (T1) and immediately after
posterior relationship. Additionally, anterior diago- treatment (T2). The lateral headfilms were obtained
nal elastics are used to correct the maxillary to with different x-ray machines, which produced differ-
mandibular midline deviation in the 4-premolar ex- ent magnification factors of the images that were
traction protocol. There is no anchorage preparation. between 6% and 10.94%.
The usual wire sequence begins with a 0.015-in Two tracings were drawn from each headfilm: 1
twist-flex or 0.016-in nickel-titanium alloy wire, to evaluate the conventional cephalometric treatment
followed by 0.016, 0.018, 0.020, and 0.021 ⫻ 0.025 changes and the other to evaluate the asymmetry
or 0.018 ⫻ 0.025-in stainless steel wire (3M Unitek, changes in each group (Table I, Figs 1-3). Dentoal-
Monrovia, Calif). In the extraction quadrants, the veolar and skeletal asymmetries were evaluated ac-
canines are initially retracted a small amount only to cording to the method of Alavi et al,2 as follows.
allow space for leveling and aligning of the anterior Cephalometric films were traced and landmarks des-
teeth. The anterior teeth are retracted en masse with ignated before digitization. Although the right and
the rectangular wire, after leveling and aligning. In left sides can be difficult to distinguish in asymmet-
the 3-premolar extraction protocol, anterior retrac- ric patients, this did not affect the outcome of the
tion is performed only in the extraction quadrants. study because only absolute values of the difference
With this procedure, the deviated mandibular dental between the sides rather than signed differences were
midline to the facial midplane is automatically cor- used in the group comparisons. In addition, reference
30 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2007

Fig 1. Skeletal and soft-tissue cephalometric variables: Fig 2. Dental cephalometric variables: M, Mx1.NA; N,
A, SNA angle; B, SNB angle; C, ANB angle; D, Co-A; E, Mx1-NA; O, Mx1.PP; P, Mx1-Aperp; Q, Mx1-PP; R,
Co-Gn; G, SNGoGn; H, FMA; I, LAFH (lower anterior Md1.NB; S, Md1-NB; T, Md1.MP; U, Md1-Bperp; V, Md1-
face height); J, HNB; K, H-Pr; L, H-LL. MP; W, Mx6-PTV; X, Mx6-PP; Y, Md6-PTV; Z, Md6-MP.

was made to the original models to identify the left The cephalometric tracings and landmark identi-
and right sides. The following landmarks were dig- fication were made on acetate paper by 1 investigator
itized: sella, nasion, basion, bilateral orbitale, ptery- (P.E.G.C.) and then digitized with a digitizer (Accu-
gomaxillary fissure, antegonia, gonia, articulare, Grid XNT, model A30TL.F, Numonics, Montgomer-
points of maximum concavity on the anterior surface yville, Pa). These data were analyzed with software
of the ramus, and the most posterior points on the (version 7.02, Dentofacial Planner, Toronto, Ontario,
distal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular first Canada), which corrected the image magnification
permanent molars. A reference line was determined factors of the radiographs.
by constructing a perpendicular to the sella-nasion To evaluate the initial malocclusion severity com-
line through basion. Linear measurements were made patibility of the groups, the treatment priority index
in a horizontal direction from the bilateral orbitale (TPI)3 and the amount of mandibular crowding of each
and pterygomaxillary fissure, articulare, anterior ra- subject were blindly calculated on the pretreatment
mal point, antegonion, and gonion, to the constructed dental study models. The TPI provides weighted sub-
vertical line (Fig 3). Skeletal asymmetry was evalu- scores for the description of overjet, vertical overbite or
ated by determining the absolute difference between open-bite, tooth displacement, and posterior crossbite,
measurements for the right and left landmarks. Indi- as well as summary scores for the overall severity of the
vidual measurements of asymmetry were then com- malocclusion. With the exception of rotation and dis-
bined to produce indexes of anteroposterior maxil- placement, all TPI components are measured on a
lary and mandibular asymmetries, producing 2 continuous scale from positive to negative values.
skeletal variables.2 Thus, mandibular overjet and open bite are entered as
Linear measurements were also made from the negative overjet and negative overbite, respectively. A
bilateral maxillary and mandibular molar points to the constant corresponding to the first molar relationship is
vertical reference line. The absolute difference between added to the TPI score. Total scores on the TPI range
right and left landmarks was determined to arrive at from 0 to 10 or more, with higher scores representing
measurements of anteroposterior maxillary and man- more severe malocclusions.4,5
dibular molar asymmetries, resulting in 2 dentoskeletal TPI components are defined as follows.4,5
variables2 (Fig 3). Overjet is the anterior distance from the most
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 31
Volume 132, Number 1

Ten randomly selected radiographs were retraced,

redigitized, and remeasured by the same examiner. The
casual error was calculated according to Dahlberg’s
formula,7 S2 ⫽ ⌺d2/2n, where S2 is the error variance
and d is the difference between 2 determinations of the
same variable, and the systematic error with dependent
t tests, at P ⬍.05.8-11
Statistical analysis
To apply the t test, a normal distribution of the
samples is necessary. This was verified with the Kol-
mogorov-Smirnov test. Results of this test demon-
strated that all variables had normal distribution. There-
fore, the independent t test was used for comparison
between groups at T1 to evaluate their compatibility.
Comparison of the numbers of patients with second
premolar extractions in the groups was conducted with
Fig 3. Dentoalveolar and skeletal asymmetry variables: the chi-square test. Comparisons of the changes in the
A, maxillary asymmetry; B, mandibular asymmetry; C, variables during the treatment period (T2-T1) between
maxillary first permanent molar asymmetry; D, mandib-
groups were also conducted with independent t tests.
ular first permanent molar asymmetry.
Results were regarded as significant at P ⬍.05. These
analyses were performed with software (Statistica for
Windows, version 4.3B, Statsoft, Tulsa, Okla).
mesial part of the labial surface of the maxillary
central incisor to the labial surface of the opposing RESULTS
mandibular incisor, measured perpendicularly to the None of the variables had statistically significant
coronal plane. systematic errors, and casual errors varied from 0.06
With the dental models in centric (convenience) (Co-A) to 0.21 (MxAsym).
occlusion, overbite or open-bite is the amount of vertical Groups 1 and 2 were similar regarding numbers of
overlap of the maxillary central incisor over the patients with second premolar extractions, initial ages,
mandibular central incisor as a ratio of the total crowding amounts, malocclusion severities, and all
crown height (cervix to incisal edge) of the mandib- cephalometric variables (Table II).
ular incisor. The results demonstrated that the asymmetric ex-
Tooth displacement is the sum of the number of traction group had significantly less mandibular incisor
teeth noticeably rotated or displaced from ideal align- linear retraction, less soft-tissue retraction, and greater
ment, plus 2 times the number of teeth rotated more increases in mandibular incisor extrusion and mandib-
than 45° or displaced more than 2 mm. ular molar asymmetry index than the symmetric extrac-
First molar relationship is a constant comprising the tion group (Table III). The other treatment changes
severity of the malocclusion, based on the relationship were similar in both groups.
between the maxillary and mandibular first molars.
Posterior crossbite measures buccolingual deviation DISCUSSION
in the occlusion of the postcanine teeth. The measure- The groups were similar regarding the numbers of
ment is positive for buccal crossbite (first molar posi- patients with second premolar extractions, initial ages,
tioned too far to buccal), and negative for lingual crowding amounts, malocclusion severities, and ceph-
crossbite. Crossbite is also scored as the number of alometric variables (Table II). This compatibility had to
teeth deviating from ideal cusp-to-fossa fit by a cusp- be ensured to detect minor differences between the
to-cusp relationship or worse.4,5 groups. To obtain this, it was necessary to eliminate
Mandibular crowding of the initial dental study some subjects from both groups to match the ages.
models was calculated as the difference between arch Changes in the maxillary and mandibular compo-
length (circumference, from left to right first molars) nents showed no significant differences between the
and the sum of tooth widths from first molar to first groups with the different treatment protocols (Table
molar, in millimeters. In a well-aligned arch, arch III). This result seems reasonable because the extrac-
length was equal to the sum of the tooth widths.6 tion protocols for the maxillary arch were similar, and
32 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2007

Table II. Comparison between groups 1 and 2 at T1 (chi-square and t tests)

Group 1 (n ⫽27) Group 2 (n ⫽ 27)

Variables Mean SD Mean SD P

Patients with second premolar extraction 4 3 .224*

Initial age (y) 14.07 1.60 13.35 1.33 .078
Crowding (mm) 2.81 1.38 2.94 1.62 .729
Initial TPI 8.18 3.31 8.64 2.92 .590
Maxillary component
SNA (°) 82.19 3.59 82.55 3.30 .701
Co-A (mm) 84.03 4.14 83.56 4.85 .705
Mandibular component
SNB (°) 77.45 3.85 77.57 2.72 .893
Co-Gn (mm) 109.52 5.43 106.98 5.58 .096
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB (degrees) 4.74 2.69 4.97 2.15 .735
Diff Mx-Md (mm) 25.49 4.65 23.42 3.87 .080
Growth pattern
SN.GoGn (degrees) 33.10 4.40 33.91 5.20 .542
FMA (degrees) 26.35 5.03 26.95 5.00 .658
LAFH (mm) 65.68 5.48 64.35 5.29 .366
Posterior dentoalveolar component
Mx6-PTV (mm) 15.88 3.74 16.03 2.73 .862
Mx6-PP (mm) 23.78 2.74 22.72 2.63 .155
Md6-PTV (mm) 14.61 4.05 14.88 2.77 .773
Md6-MP (mm) 29.94 2.75 29.04 1.95 .171
Anterior maxillary dentoalveolar component
Mx1.NA (degrees) 25.06 9.16 25.52 6.05 .826
Mx1-NA (mm) 5.13 3.12 5.03 3.09 .903
Mx1.PP (degrees) 115.34 9.70 115.64 5.60 .892
Mx1-Aperp (mm) 5.28 3.18 5.51 3.19 .795
Mx1-PP (mm) 27.82 2.51 27.38 2.53 .530
Anterior mandibular dentoalveolar component
Md1.NB (degrees) 30.27 5.99 30.39 6.05 .942
Md1-NB (mm) 6.08 2.10 6.24 2.43 .793
Md1.MP (degrees) 97.54 6.62 96.39 6.77 .530
Md1-Bperp (mm) 7.55 2.43 7.45 2.66 .886
Md1-MP (mm) 39.42 2.94 39.26 3.18 .849
Soft-tissue component
H.NB (degrees) 14.39 4.63 15.30 3.95 .444
H-Pr (mm) 1.80 3.81 0.73 3.86 .310
H-LL (mm) 1.61 1.78 2.26 1.71 0.176
Skeletal and dentoskeletal asymmetries
MxAsym (mm) 2.11 1.35 2.01 1.70 .815
MdAsym (mm) 1.58 1.18 1.47 1.02 .731
Mx6Asym (mm) 1.96 1.43 1.83 0.83 .685
Md6Asym (mm) 2.14 1.12 2.02 1.20 .728

Diff, Difference.
*Chi-square test.

no significant differences were found in maxillary maxillary and mandibular anteroposterior positioning,
incisor changes, as will be later discussed. In the changes in maxillomandibular relationship were also
mandibular component, although greater incisor retrac- similar between the groups.
tion was observed in the 4-premolar extraction proto- Accordingly, changes in the growth pattern be-
col, it did not reflect significant retraction of B-point to tween the groups were also similar, as expected. Usu-
produce intergroup differences in SNB angle. Obvi- ally, changes in the growth pattern between extraction
ously, these 2 protocols were not expected to produce and nonextraction patients do not show significant
significant differences in mandibular growth changes changes12-14; therefore, one would not expect that differ-
(Co-Gn).12 As a result of these similar changes in ences would be apparent between these 2 protocols.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Janson et al 33
Volume 132, Number 1

Table III. Comparison between treatment changes in groups 1 and 2 (T2-T1) with t test
Group 1 (n ⫽27) Group 2 (n ⫽ 27)

Variables Mean SD Mean SD P

Treatment time (y) (years) 2.64 0.84 2.40 0.42 .192

Maxillary component
SNA (°) ⫺0.39 1.89 ⫺0.78 1.61 .424
Co-A (mm) 1.06 2.68 ⫺0.10 2.80 .123
Mandibular component
SNB (°) 0.48 2.05 0.86 1.36 .429
Co-Gn (mm) 4.04 4.32 3.76 3.89 .805
Maxillomandibular relationship
ANB (°) ⫺0.87 1.56 ⫺1.63 1.20 .050
Diff. Mx-Md (mm) 2.98 2.92 3.86 2.66 .251
Growth pattern
SN.GoGn (degrees) ⫺0.79 2.40 ⫺0.72 2.01 .907
FMA (°) ⫺1.15 2.28 ⫺0.65 2.84 .476
LAFH (mm) 2.62 2.32 2.19 2.64 .535
Posterior dentoalveolar component
Mx6-PTV (mm) 3.76 4.12 2.57 2.92 .226
Mx6-PP (mm) 1.71 1.87 1.56 1.31 .738
Md6-PTV (mm) 3.62 4.48 4.39 2.83 .454
Md6-MP (mm) 2.44 1.69 2.63 1.60 .675
Anterior maxillary dentoalveolar component
Mx1.NA (degrees) ⫺2.76 11.06 ⫺4.49 7.96 .511
Mx1-NA (mm) ⫺2.11 3.15 ⫺2.33 2.67 .788
Mx1.PP (degrees) ⫺2.37 11.34 ⫺5.51 8.30 .251
Mx1-Aperp (mm) ⫺2.03 3.03 ⫺2.78 2.82 .347
Mx1-PP (mm) 0.43 2.50 0.62 1.64 .744
Anterior mandibular dentoalveolar component
Md1.NB (degrees) ⫺2.19 4.15 ⫺4.65 6.46 .102
Md1-NB (mm) ⫺0.46 1.19 ⫺2.12 1.68 .000*
Md1.MP (degrees) ⫺2.13 4.72 ⫺4.62 6.45 .112
Md1-Bperp (mm) ⫺0.82 1.37 ⫺2.32 1.77 .001*
Md1-MP (mm) 1.30 1.60 ⫺0.43 2.01 .001*
Soft-tissue component
H.NB (°) ⫺2.32 2.46 ⫺3.88 2.22 .018*
H-Pr (mm) 3.12 2.81 4.38 2.26 .075
H-LL (mm) ⫺0.30 1.07 ⫺0.93 1.54 .085
Skeletal and dentoskeletal asymmetries
MxAsym (mm) 0.41 1.21 0.10 1.50 .398
MdAsym (mm) 0.15 1.17 ⫺0.05 1.26 .539
Mx6Asym (mm) ⫺0.12 0.95 ⫺0.33 1.37 .521
Md6Asym (mm) 1.16 1.36 ⫺0.52 1.54 .000*

Diff, Difference.
*Statistically significant.

Although the horizontal changes in the maxillary The maxillary incisors tended to show greater
and mandibular molars were similar, they tended to retraction and palatal inclination in group 2, propor-
reflect the mechanics used in each treatment protocol tional to the significantly greater retraction of the
(Table III). The maxillary molars in group 2 had to mandibular incisors1,12-14,22 (Table III). However, the
have a greater restriction of forward displacement to amounts of the changes were not large enough to be
correct the Class II relationship and to allow greater statistically significant between the groups. The great
retraction of the maxillary incisors, proportional to the variability (large standard deviations) in the amount of
amount of retraction of the mandibular incisors.15 retraction in the groups also contributed to this lack of
Concurrently, the mandibular molars in this group had significant differences. Vertically, the changes in the
to have more forward displacement to facilitate correc- maxillary incisors were similar.
tion of molar Class II relationships.16-21 Our results demonstrate a significantly smaller lin-
34 Janson et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2007

ear retraction of the mandibular incisors in patients These results are useful for the clinician in deciding
treated with extraction of 3 premolars when compared whether to treat a Class II subdivision malocclusion
with those treated with 4 extractions, as expected1,23-25 with a 3- or 4-premolar extraction protocol. Generally,
(Table III). However, the lingual inclination was simi- an asymmetric extraction protocol will provide better
lar between the groups. Vertically, the mandibular occlusal treatment success than a symmetric extraction
incisors in group 2 had statistically greater restriction of protocol.1 When the patient’s profile does not allow
their vertical development. This might reflect poor significant retraction, a 3-premolar extraction protocol
vertical control of the mandibular incisors in the 3-pre- would also be a better alternative esthetically.
molar extraction protocol and require further specific
investigation. CONCLUSIONS
Changes in soft tissues were significantly greater in The null hypothesis was rejected because the 3-pre-
group 2 (H.NB), reflecting the significantly larger molar extraction protocol had the following differences
mandibular incisor linear retraction and the nonsignifi- in relation to the 4-premolar extraction protocol.
cantly larger lingual inclination of these teeth and of the
maxillary incisors’ retrusion and palatal inclination, 1. Smaller mandibular incisor and soft-tissue retrac-
confirming previous expectations.1,23-25 This means tions.
that retraction of the upper lip in group 2 was signifi- 2. Greater mandibular incisor extrusion.
cantly greater than in group 1. Although retraction of 3. Greater increase in left-to-right anteroposterior
the lower lip was greater in group 2, it was not mandibular first molar degree of asymmetry.
statistically significant. It can be speculated that the
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