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NIM : 043520845


A. The number of GDP can always tell whether a country is prosperous or not.

     Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Economic growth is a problem in the economy of a country in the long term. Economic
growth measures the achievement of the development of an economy from one period to the
next. From period to period the ability of a country to produce goods and services will
increase due to production factors that are always increasing in quantity and quality.

One of the benchmarks for the growth of a country can be seen from the GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) which is the most important economic statistic because it is considered the
best single measure of people's welfare. This is because GDP can measure two things at the
same time, the total income of everyone in the economy and the total state spending on goods
and services produced by the economy.

This is because GDP measures two things at the same time: the total income of everyone in
the economy and the total spending the country spends on goods and services from the
economy. The reason GDP can measure total income and expenditure for an economy as a
whole is that income must equal expenditure.

GDP Benefits

As a measuring tool for the economy, GDP has several benefits, including:

 Measuring how far the national economic growth rate has gone and what still needs to
be improved.
 Comparing economic progress between countries to find out which country has the
strongest economy.

 Knowing the economic structure of a country, to find out which sectors need

 As the basis for the formulation of government policies. In this case, GDP is often
interpreted as an indicator of a country's welfare. A high GDP figure is defined as a
production figure. The high number of production to the people's purchasing power is
also high.


 BMP ADBI4201

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