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Document « Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent & Notice to Principal we ‘THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurtkanos Authochthonous and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land ‘The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans Notice and Affidavit of Status Upon my inberited Nobility, and upon my Private Authochthonous / Indigenous. Proper Persom Status and Commercial Liability, |. anaxareian bey aia el, being duly affirmed under Consanguine Unity: pledge my National. Political, and Spiritual Allegiance to my Moabite / Moorish Nation. (the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA) - being the archaic Authochthons / Indigenes of Amexem (the Americas): standing, ‘squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the ‘Five Points of Light” - Love. Truth. Peace. Freedom, and Justice; do squarely Affirmn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. and having knowledge and firmly ~ established belief upon the historical, lawful, and adjudicated facts contained herein. Being competent (In My Own Proper Person) to attest to this affidavit upon which | place my signature. Whereas. 1 State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, certain, complete, not misleading, supreme, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose, to wit: That I. snaxareian bey aia el, am a Sheikh of the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA (MSTA / AL Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent, Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal Document # rea Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Morrocan Empire) In Propria Persona (my own proper self); being Moorish American - a Descendant of the Anci it Moabites / Moors, by Birthright, Freehold, Primogeniture and Inheritance; being Authochthonous / Indigenous to the Lands (Amexem / Americas) Territorium of my Ancient Moabite / Moorish Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers - to wit The Al Moroccan (Amexem / American) Continents - are the Land of the Moors: being North America, South America; Central America; including the adjoining Islands (Americana / Ameru / Al Moroc) Uhave, acknowledge, claim and possess, by said Inheritance and Primogeniture, the Freehold Status thereto; all Unalienable and Substantive Rights, to Be, to Enjoy, and to Act, distinct in my Authochthonous Customs and Culture; and determining my own political, social, and economic status of the State. Turning my heart and mind back to my Ancient Mothers and Fathers - Moors / Muurs, by Divine and Natural Right. Being Moorish Americans, we have and possess the internationally recognized Rights to determine our wn “Status of the State’ absent of threat, coercion, or acquiescence to a Color-of-Law, a Color-of Office, nor to be subjected to an imposed Color-of-Authority. Egypt. The Capital Empire of the Dominion of Amexem. The Inhabitants of Amexem are the descendants of the Ancient Canaanites from the Land of Canaan, The Moabites from the Land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Amexem; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite and Amorite brethren who sojourned from the Land of Canaan seeking new homes. Their Dominion and Inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, across the great Atlantis even unto the present North, South and Central America and the Atlantis Islands; before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean. T demand that all ofthe following points be reviewed and if not all rebutted in thirty (30) days to stand as truth, and to be offered the relief sought. 1. That I am a member of the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA (ASIATIC NATION OF NORTH AMERICA) registered with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA government services corporation, hereafter US.A., DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE under certified document number 70120470000176779655. 2, That I apprehend beyond any ambiguity that | anaxareian bey aia el, have been previously identified as ANAXAREIAN BEY AIA a colorable wardship name identifying a person for whom Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, y Nao heap ciaaare Kear ease ign Raise Ried 1 he Mong et faewe Namen ie MTNA) ENPRESENT ATI set wero BD That 1 Abs tunedin vetaas the Pema of ame orien commen ouele hy gewmuemyimee of Rar TN weed of te eaters Prony: Bee de Lire: greeremmant amrrmert cet am towel terete Corner’ 9 isromme Premmrenn Rreatont (art Be: Corie ste Uarringy Liven anal aft ottine eke Bi ee MOINTOUL SVOREY AYLTN STPRAET CViKY PRA STiwaeT Ce SvERY Fre AVLAVIN CTVWART smmmenaend with Gowrtal Seretey Rumiteer GARD SG 6) Gm? anat Came of Pah (OM 10-28 Ue ee eo ee ROpUI Tenner wtille Qpereming we comme Chat | crmeen all oe right sat de cme woop fn Nate antes sare) wih gem scemyR ied howe hin A amy orrewrsind corre 6 gmmere a Rarrrreres oy tearbraptiey tomer wl extacwT ms anet cemmmncead ght oe hulhg hs ot ty brPun iaee © aed ix wergueeere 8 Taam Teaate emo rramernal fart thee al lege! prrmenpricese regarding pedi oi eratom Somand or Ge momterne ol 9 ASN sal Wrafvwhand Manors Fite OME secoures ary bane of ommupporedt edreus heats! career conti of ron dim bmare ert wren dees ae! operant ‘ie the parpunetd World Wer 8 Viewty Tan Crrummeention of the actual how pertamning te a nawe al » SEN, © That ts 2 material fans thee sachs presumption of Fecteral Territorial or Feukerad MUNINEDPAL Riacmbep cannet be matasined in the face of Grect chyermon ane cemonahie promt of (covaeation by the Mocrish American Naftonats of the MSTA erat | se nor 4 Leal Pieton of te USA, oF any of Ws sutmadiary corporation. (Sew my MSTA Nencnal coment Brow lew ‘Coup, xtata #1 | ‘ That Fam ane of We the People that has National cite Gmmanity ant am not s person oe = ere the of the Consainutton of the UNITED STATES (5.4) : the tigers hus stand for 4 National Free Cavermmen. sel the es ‘free national constimatton for the wnmed Stam of Americal” as Propet Drew Al, fourier of the MST. of A ts hee “A Dime (hese < Nemer te Premgme oo Metis te Rgeee Stee es Rigeme 2 Stmen we Pm pa preraggacee Hyfs wwii be Awees oo cutee fom he Bing amen, nr the pemgie! te the Weal 6 te beret 12 The wrten the prsediasis of Oe rps de pure orem eumee of Ramer, temarengny Ped od cma cae ehges kee ee me med wat owe Fine eo ote ey hele meen pment er degen Oe ager ft genet meee, cat remaatinn ite ther prmagiie. ° (Yee Wie» Hayton 18 ES Wim a Tha a oneness copataricem at ag ee the gear seers etter wen wey omnet ee cman aed WNT ee cement oe scutes wah howe of Men Utd coe an eet regelenen of vere mt tng fe de gre Ree Dore” (LA Eiepemetanenn of Latin Pm # Ddb te hast tery of bent age aan coagetees to here oy teers a (are Po A Theat 1 Reng of termed sage send bering Bares dns weer cre oust, npn aout mete eat | ae Meeemthar wth the fants rev ted cond her pears samme! cmd Mie covet ane = the eam perme te npaiabls meres nemeet @ wanl otis ane of ie Cuma rrer men ae cowatiecd Mwang a Commenters bre i revere aeey ered ol) eoareniira Radbng tna ont Lenton fo the aS pera ewvaiome of mirtendnrw) scumte! & che wax! Omtremec are. tr pregerty Se amaberomd according to 31 CAR MOL 2TOG A and wena have twee at 16 haat | hewn eacaee (ew Rabati 02, True Test Copy of Cornfied Copy of Barth Regmerscon Form (Jama | te Phat according wm Padiiic Law 68 Stat 112 from Hone Jotet Rewotatson (02 of ame 5 15K dew was pamed 0 sempend the god amderd and atrapate the gait clmme to (he satel cmesemamion Siwe then ao ane i Ameria has been able w iemtally gary 2 dete tad ewory Document Notice to Principal is Notice t Agent, Notice to Agent in Notice to Principal then conclude that lam the Authorized Representative of the sald account. 18. That being the Authorized Representative of the account, | will be using it to discharge any obligation dollar for dollar on any species of legal tender accepted, hereafter, or until the equivalent of the amount held In all such accounts are paid out to me in full In gold, or other awful money. 19, That had I known the facts and truth about my birth registration form I would have properly claimed it at reaching the age of majority 20. That had | known the fact 1 could discharge any obligation, { would have from the first one, and Nune Pro Tune, [will be discharging any/all past debt and any/all future obligations 21, That within the US.A, Lis against public policy to require an obligee to use a specific kind of currency, heretofore or hereafter, any payment issued shall be honored or discharged, nt directly or the United States Treasury, whether addressed to the mer 22, That in accordance with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 - Public LAW 73-10, any debt/obligation or payment of such, Holding the Name/Signature: ANAXAREIAN BEY AIA / ISHMAEL AYLWIN MCINTOSH / SYDNEY AYLWIN STEWART / SYDNEY FRANZ AYLWIN STEWART 558616963, DOB 10-28-1964 hereafter is abject to immediate offset! 23. That the Federal Government corporation founded in 1871 by the District of Columbia Organic Act as a Democracy, as distinct from the original, organic united States of America which is @ Republic, went bankrupt in March of 1933 with Emergency Banking Act 24. That the receivers of the bankruptcy of the U.S.A. have been private International Bankers, Tirst as the Federal Reserve, and now as the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 28. That the current “government” of the US.A. is an Administrative Agency administrating the bankruptcy of the USA. for its receivers. 26. That this Administrative Agency functions in commerce without any of the privileges of true government, but simply as any other person doing business, (Clearfield ‘Trust Co. v. United ‘States 318 U.S. 363 ) 27. That the Secretary of the Treasury of the Administrative U.S.A, is also a Governor and Executive Director of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent, Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Decumret # * le Notice w Principal ts Nemoe tw Agent — Notice te Agwat bs Notior to Primal 28, That as the current Secretary of the Treasury for the USA. Sereen Terner Mosttin i fiductary for the tremwury accom fr the resme of ANAXAREIAN REY AIA / ESHEMARL AYLWIN MCINTOSH / SYDNEY AYLWIN STEWART / SYDNEY FRANZ AYLWIN STEWART 668610000, DOB 1028-10064, newt will be fort Ihatibe os euch bath prubibeaty ered pr tentey 29, That the TRADE NAMI Gramenttting witty / peren) im commoner, SHIMAEL AYLWIN MCINTOSH ts now owned bry end for the ene of the MSTA and an tanger the property of tae USA [Ser Exhatst #2, Troe Test Copy of Trade Name Regnurracion Certificate.) 20. That anything not denied with evidence (hat ta just as forcelad ax that prewewtre! twerwin. snc deveed under ponaity of perjury by a bving man eth personal knowbedge shall be mheirned for purpose of resolving any disputes. asi that ll farts thereby actmitind shell te ened to enforce an “estoppel in pais” or an estoppel bry dedande. ‘SL reserve the right to invoke the doctrine of estoppel by acquiescence (Latin: qui tacet camentire videtur — be who ts silent is taken to agree) as uphekd in Coorgie » South Carolina 497 US. 376 (1990), 110 S CL 2903, 111 L Ed 2d 300, Central Pacific Railway Co © ‘Alameda County, 264 US. 463 (1932), © 32.That “When silence is of such a character and under such circumstances the st wend become a fraud, (t will operate as an estoppel.” (Carmine vs Bowen 644.932) 33. That, “Where failure to disclase a material fact ts calculated wo trxhace @ false belief. the Getinction between concealment and affirmative misrepresentation is tenuous” Both are fraudient “Chicago Park District vs Kenroy. Inc” 78 ILL 2d 555, 32 ILL Dec. 291.402 NE 181, appeal after remand (1* Dist) ILL APP 3d 222. 63 ILL Dec. 134, 437 NE 2d 783. ‘6. That, where “{Respondant] has filed no counter affidavit. and therefore for the purposes of the mation before the Court, the allegations in the affidavit of petitioner] must be consixberedt Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 91d.” 2B US.CA (Group v. Finketmer. DIC. 108

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