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The Vert Code- Elite Phase 5

Week 1, Day 1: Lower Strength/Explosion Combo

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Plan Recommendations
Now that we're in phase 5, we are building all important athletic traits simultaneously. Notice we don't have much flexibility exercises in this phase. That is because you should have
developed enough flexibility in the first 4 phases. If that is NOT the case, add in the mobility exercises from earlier phases however you would like.

Remember, anytime we don't add reps week to week that means we're trying to overload intensity (weight increase OR for plyo exercises- max height/explosiveness.
As always, if you feel uncomfortable with any exercise find an alternative instead of doing that exercise with poor form.
Listen to your body and modify the program as needed!

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Daily Overview/Minimum Dose Advice: Phase 5 1 00:01:00 --:-- min
Foam Roller Circuit 1 00:00:25 --:-- min
Dynamic Warmup 1 1 --:-- min
Band Rapid Laterals 3 10 1:00 min Perform each side
Angle Bounds 3 8 1:00 min Perform each side
Overspeed Block Step 3 4 1:00 min Perform each side
Drach Jumps 3 7 1:00 min Perform each side
Rhythm Quarter Squat 3 5 1:00 min
Oscillating Squat 3 5 1:00 min
Penultimate Max Touch 2 4 2:00 min
Seven Eleven Breathing 1 00:03:00 --:-- min
Static Stretch 1 00:00:15 --:-- min
Staff Member Notes:
Band Rapid Laterals:

If you don't have the band, simply perform the same exercise with just your bodyweight.
Staff Member Notes:
Overspeed Block Step:

If you have the time and energy it's ok to add another set on this superset.

If you don't have the band or you have a tough time with the turn, practice this exercise with just your bodyweight utilizing a full speed run up and work on turning/getting a good
angle on the block step to decelerate rapidly.
Acceleration Zone Jump:

If you don't have a measuring tape, simply eye ball it. What matters is that we're covering max distance on the acceleration and decelerating effectively to jump vertically instead
of forward.
Hang High Pull:

This is an advanced exercise so be sure to start light and build your form before going too heavy. Also, this is a power exercise so we don't need to load up too much weight. We
typically start with 25 lb plates on each side (95 total pounds) and work our way up if the form looks good. Most of our in- person athletes will stay around 135-185. Since we're after
speed of the bar we don't want it to be so slow that we struggle to stay explosive.
Pogo Box Taps:

Increase rest time as long as you need after each set. We're after 100% effort on this superset, we're not chasing a burn in the muscles.

Rhythm Quarter Squat:

Find a weight that is heavy enough that you CANNOT jump with. If you feel like you could jump with that weight it's too light. Usually around 50-75% of 1 rep max is a good weight
here. As always, go light until your form is perfect and gradually increase in weight.
Cable Pull Through:

Each week try to go heavier on this exercise while staying explosive on the way up.

Sub Max Long Duration Jumps:

Remember, the rep time is for EACH variation. So if it's 40 sec, that means 40 seconds on each for a total of 2:00. If this is too difficult and the burn is higher that 9/10 or you feel
like your calves or feet are going to cramp, decrease rep time. If you feel like the rep time is too easy, keep going until you feel a 9/10 burn. I want you close to max here!

Static Stretch:

At this point in the program, static stretching is optional. If you believe you don't need more flexibility, you can add another cool down such as foam rolling or a slow 2-5 minute

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