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Name: Nonde kantongo

Student no: 66466458

Module: SJD 1501 assessment 5

1. The advert of Covid-19 pandemic unfolded both disease and extensive disruption as
communities and diverse government entities grappled to comprehend the issue at hand
that needed to be addressed urgently. Consequently, how and when the pandemic
affected particular locales and states varied substantially, and the circumstances to
which the private sector, the government and the public had to respond. For the criminal
justice system, the need to adapt to mitigate the risk of spreading the infection was
urgent with most justice processes inclusive of socialization between law enforcement
practitioners and citizens on local streets; court proceedings which brings individuals
from various areas together, overcrowded correctional facilities that house offenders in
close proximity; and diverse therapy sessions that supports the proper entry or
rehabilitation in the community necessitate close physical association. However, the
need for substantial changes implied that the criminal justice system potentially
worsened the pandemic jeopardizing public health even as it sought to safeguard and
promote public safety.

Additionally, the need for criminal justice procedures and policies essential in addressing
the external pressures of the pandemic, majority of the agencies in the justice system
faced enormous internal pressure on their daily operations. The pressure of quarantines,
high rate of infections as well as death of criminal justice professionals compounded by
the economic fall out, insufficient resources, and social unrest proliferated by COVID-19
undermined the agencies ability to execute their task sufficiently amid the public health
measures enacted such as ban on gatherings, curfew and lockdowns jeopardizing public
health and safety. Most justice system agencies faced difficulties in ensuring public
compliance with the public health directives even among their own staff and executing
their various roles leading to deferred incarcerations and hearing which created backlog
of lawsuits, needs and demands that may take years to wade through even when
pre-pandemic capability is restored. Nevertheless, the justice system directives like
curfew, travel bans and gatherings played an essential role in crime reduction, decline in
arrests, increase in locales and state supervision particularly in probation and parole
consequently increasing public safety.
2. Women and children abuse



A 32-year-old has been taken into custody after the murder of a 17-year-old girl and her
grandmother. The girl and her grandmother were found dead in their home near Ermelo.
The family were contacted after the grandmother failed to arrive at work on Monday. On
their arrival, family members enquired from neighbour, but no one had knowledge of
their whereabout as the doors were locked and nobody responded to their call. When the
family asked the granddaughters boyfriend the whereabout of his girlfriend, he allegedly
mentioned that his girlfriend was in hospital and she is not feeling well. The community
started a manhunt for the boyfriend hoping he could give some indication of what might
have happened. The man was tracked and founded, residents said the man tried to stab
himself, handed him over to the police.


When reading this article, I find it intriguing because it is one of the stories that even
when they are not pleasing to read, they still manage to give the reader satisfaction of
seeing justice served. The man was arrested even though he was injured but the criminal
justice system served the purpose. Women and children abuse in this country has a high
rate and so it is through stories like this that we get to see justice is served. One other
thing is that the neighbors have made a manhunt in the community to find the man who
killed his girlfriend and her grandmother. This for me was an act of unity in the
community of fighting against crime.


Gender based violence is a serious challenge in the country and the courts must impose
hursher penalties and sentences to the accused person's. Furthermore the SAPS need to
be more visible in communities and need to work closely with those security companies
who patrol communities. In view of this community policing and sector policing
initiatives needs to be improved by SAPS.


The police: By arresting the suspect

The community: By doing the manhunt to track the man down and handed over to the

Yes I think it was served accordingly because in crimes like these police shouldn't rest
they, have to be investigating day and night because if they don't the rate of crimes will
continue to rise the reason I am saying that is the police didn't do anything. Instead the
community started a manhunt to look for the suspect because they saw that the SAPS
were not doing enough and it was the community that founded the suspect and handed
over to them. The justice system didn't do anything much to this case they were just
given on a silver platter and they accepted that all.


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