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Delantes, Karylle August 20, 2021

Activity # 4: Problem-Oriented Data Structures (20 pts.)

Read some articles or discussions from the internet about the examples of problem-oriented
data structures given in the lecture video. In the space provided below, list some existing
software or systems which make use of these problem-oriented data structures. For each
software or System, include a brief discussion of how these structures are used (identify 3 to 5

1) Browsing History
 It refers to the list of web pages that the user has visited. It uses a stack data structure
when the user clicks the 'back' and 'forward' buttons on the browser; It is an example of
push and pop.

2) Operating System
 We probably use this unnoticeable system regularly, especially we're always using our
gadgets for work or school. It uses a stack data structure that stores variable data.

3) Food Delivery Service System

 It is used when customers take orders through a website or mobile application. It uses a
queue data structure since it keeps track of the customer's orders and uses the idea of
"first come, first serve."

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