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Prayer for Teachers’ Day Program

Our great God and loving Heavenly Father, we acknowledge you as the
source of true knowledge, fountain and giver of all wisdom. We come now to
your presence to extend our gratitude for all the manifold blessings you’ve
endowed to us and your sustaining grace that gives us strength to fulfill our
duties everyday. We thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ who exemplifies the
greatest teacher of all times. We recognize Him as our Great Master Teacher
that leads and teach us all the way.
We thank you today for all the teachers and educators who have dedicated
their lives to educating the children and youth. We thank you for the ways
they have inspired students, motivated, challenged and guided each learner
into greater knowledge.
We thank you Lord that you are the source of all true joy in life. Help us to
teach others well. Guide our thoughts, words and actions to enable each of us
to carry out this important work that you have placed before us. Increase our
faith that anything is possible in your power. Grant us daily with your
strength as we face many challenges in teaching.
Let the light of you example shine upon all teachers, to build up with their
words, to love with their mind and to share with heart.
In a special way we invoke your presence today to be in our midst as we have
our teachers’ day program. Bless all the participants and everyone in this
place, send your holy angels to protect us in any possible harms and danger.
Forgive us from all our shorth-comings that we have done against thee. We
ask all these things in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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