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// int count = 6;

// while(count != 6) {
// System.out.println("Count value is " + count);
// count++;
// }
// for(int i=6; i!= 6; i++) {
// System.out.println("Count value is " + count);
// }
// count = 6;
// do {
// System.out.println("Count value was " + count);
// count++;
// if(count >100) {
// break;
// }
// } while(count != 6);

// int number = 5;
// int finishNumber = 20;
// while(number <= finishNumber) {
// if(!isEvenNumber(number)) {
// number++;
// continue;
// }
// System.out.println("Even number " + number);
// number++;
// }

// Modify the while code above

// Make it also record the total number of even numbers it has found
// and break once 5 are found
// and at the end, display the total number of even numbers found

// Create a method called isEvenNumber that takes a parameter of type int

// Its purpose is to determine if the argument passed to the method is
// an even number or not.
// return true if an even number, otherwise return false;

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