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Dear friend, I hope you are well, I am feeling well, there are difficult days, but I have always known
how to deal with problems, thanks to my daughter. By the way, this beautiful Sara is getting bigger
every day, more divine, super intelligent, you have to see her when I go, she becomes that reason
to take everything, now I find myself studying and working it has not been easy but I know that
everything I do and make an effort is worth it, Sarita is what motivates me and family is fine my
brother is a spectacular teacher and mom is well the years pass but she is still a great woman
always with that joy and mischief that characterize her she has asked you and I told her that you
are fine, in my love life you know that it has not been the best but here we go to bad weather
good wait .

I almost graduated as a pedagogue and well, as you know, I want to go live somewhere else, you
know that I have always liked the cold weather, that is why I dream of living in Tunja next to my
beautiful daughters, it seems to me that it was yesterday when you were here to me side and we
had fun we contemplated the stars we laughed and we thought what our best future was going to
be, we were all professionals unfortunately for things in life our paths had to separate but we still
maintain that beautiful friendship that began at school.

Now I am studying judiciously and I have almost graduated as I told you I want to go out and
practice that profession that has cost me so much effort but it is an effort that is worth it as you
say today's sacrifice is tomorrow's reward I remember those words and they help me daily I hope
you are happy and that you have fulfilled your goals I just wait for the time to meet again and
share moments as we did in the past I miss you I want to see you soon with love your friend

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