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BSN 2-A12

“The Minute Paper”

In concise, well-planned sentences, please answer the three questions below:

A. What are the two [three, four, five] most significant [central, useful, meaningful,
surprising, disturbing] things you and your client have learned during fitness
Answer: I used to think about this all the time. Growing up, I had bad balance.
Due to my legal blindness, I occasionally have a problem with my depth
perception, which makes me feel awkward and clumsy. But I've come to realize
that being athletic is not a trait you are born with. It's a talent you acquire. Things
started to improve as I began to think that I could improve my athleticism. At the
gym, I began to feel more at ease, to attempt new things, and to actually focus
on developing my athleticism.

B. Is there any progression you feel in working out?

Answer: Yes, I felt that my legs and thigh is hurt or like a soreness of muscle.

C. Rate yourself from 1-10, ten being the highest. How fitness enthusiast are you as
of this moment? Why?
Answer: I rate myself 5, because I’m not really into exercise.

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