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Next Dnd session:the Pc's search for the arcane spell components of the client wizard, consisisting of the

following reagants:one shambling mound tendril, 5 bullwug tongues, 24 spiderlegs, and 8 leech carcasses. First Encounter:Leeches:Leeches take 1D4-2 points of damage per leech from the Pc, if the Pc's forcibly remove any one leech as to make blood enter the water, 1D4+1 rounds afterwords, 1D6 Pirahhanas attack the creature nearest to any blood. The Pc's,(if they survive the encounter), will proceed to collect the leech bodies,Treasure:there is an ample source of wood to use as a crude improvised weapon, though there is no other items here,Terrain:"The Air is damp in the Bog, the ground is adorned with dead plants and grimy water, the water reaches all the way towards your knees" fast, almost undetected toxin upon contact, with which Lizard folk are immune, a DC:25 NATURE check reveals that information.the other warrior is dressed in alligator armor, with Spiked Cestus's on both hands, the Spikes secrete the same Toxin as the Spear.The Rogue hangs back undercover of the water to blow darts at the Pc's, the Darts are normal with the exception that, like almost all L.F. weapons, are covered in their toxin. the actual blow gun has a short, wooden shaft with a small animal skull at the end to blow the darts. the blow dart can actually shoot 3 blow darts at the same time due to two shafts hidden inside the skull thru the eye sockets, it takes a DC 15 SPOT sheck after 3 uses of the blowgun or keen inspection of it, which reduces the DC by 5. Lizard Folk Toxin:SIGNS:DC:25 SPOT check, Dark, splotchy marks on the skin, appearing like bruises around the neck and torso area.:EFFECT:the affected creature moves at half speed after 1D8-2 rounds of contact with the Toxin, each repeated contact with the toxin decreases the time it takes to feel the toxiin by 1.TOTAL TREASURE:BLowgun, 10 darts,(toxic), alligator armor, Spiked Cestus's,(toxic), Spear,(toxic), Darkwood shield.-Day passes without any turn of any reagants-Pc's head back to town to rest and prepare for the next day. inform the Pcs that there are floating lights daancing about in the fog. All the Pcs present will then proceed to make will saves at a DC of 20, those affected,(if all pass, then the one with the lowest affected), the PC will then start moving at half it's speed towards a light,(half speed)once any PC has traveled 6 squares towards the light, they immediatly make a reflex save,DC 20 to resist falling into a vat a quicksand, either way dispelling the wisp's effect, if any Pc has ranged capability, they may make an attempt to shoot the light, if they roll a 25 or greater the light either fades or flys away. there is a 50% chance that one of the three wisps is a bog hag, roll for the first affected, if that one isn't the hag, roll until the last one is chosen, that wisp is automatically the hag, the wisp transforms into a hag when the Pc is within two squares of the wisp, the Bog hag then makes her way into the fog, moving the fog with her prize. The Pcs can follow the trail the Bog hag left to her den.-To Pcs-when you finally pass thru the misty fog. A molted sight pans out in front of you, you guys see a House submerged into the Bog, as if being devoured by the surrounding Bog, The Door hangs slightly open and seems to almost invite you in, what do you do??-once inside the dwelling, the Pcs are met by what used to be a living room, now turned feral and wild-to Pcs-Vines seem to cling to all inside the room, spanning in impossible directions, there is a dark hole in the middle of the room with vines heading into it a Pc that gets too close to the vines, either from examining it or passing to close, the vines shoot out at only one Pc, the Pc must make a DC:25 reflex save or be wrapped by the mass of vines, the Pc can make a DC:20 Strength check to burst out thru the vines, if after 3 rounds the PC is not free, the Pc is dragged down into the dark hole. The Pc can be cut out of the vines but if a weapon is used, and the Pc doesnt pass a DC20 concentration check, the Pc in the vines and the vine mass takes the same amount of damage. The vine mass has a total Hp Value of 10. The remaining vines do not have any effect. Inside the room there is a bookcase full of random story books and a family tree book of the previous owner of the house. The door leads to flight of stairs. Upon reaching the end of the stairs, the Pcs see their comrade on a slab of purple stone. The Basement is full of tomes of rituals and spells,(if the PC picks up a random book, 3 will be available, one is a book of transformation spells, (containing the spells to transform into a spider, bear, wisp, or a snake), the 2nd book available is a book on how to brew potions and elixirs,(the book contains the technique and ingredients to create a potion of cure minor wounds and an oil that if applied to a weapon, gives it the keen quality), all the rest of the tomes are faded beyond recognition without prior knowledge of its contents, next to the sleeping Pc lies a black book, if anybody attempts to open the book, a Black and Purple snake jumps from the book and enters the mind of whoever attempted to open it unless they

succeed on a DC:25 Will save, if they succeed, a snakes shedded skin appears next to the PC, if the snake entered, the PC suffers from terrible nightmares which incurs a -1 Penalty the first day and increases every day until saved, each day the save decreases by 1. The Pcs may continue or head back to the city to rest and prepare.

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