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How to tell whether to use the Combined Gas Law or the Ideal Gas Law in a Word Problem

Ideal Gas Law Combined Gas Law

1. You will be given 3 of the following parts 1. You will be given 5 of the following parts
and asked to solve for the missing and asked to solve for the missing
variable: variable:
○ 1P ○ 2 Ps
○ 1V ○ 2 Vs
○ 1T ○ 2 Ts (sometimes the Ts are
○ 1n standard temp. so you will just skip
○ (R is a constant and is always using them since they are the same
0.0821) and in this case, you will only be
given 3 variables)
2. Moles or grams will be mentioned. 2. Moles or grams will NOT be mentioned.
3. The gas will NOT change. 3. The gas will change (words to look for):
○ a gas is “heated/cooled”...
○ a gas is “compressed”...
○ a gas is “pressurized”...

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