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eS eRe : CROCHET PATTERN UST OF REQUIRED MATERIALS Super Bulky/Super Chunky velvet yarn Himalaya Dolphin baby 100g/120m; . Hook size 3.5 mm; . Safety pins . Scissors . Stitch marker (pin) for marking a round beginning; . Fiberfill . Long needle 7-8 cm and nylon thread (any strong thread) for pumpkins needle sculpting; ABBREVIATIONS NOOB WND SL ST — slip stitch MR — magic ring SC — single crochet INC — increase (make 2 sc in one stitch) DEC — decrease (2 sc together) (....)*6 — repeat instruction in brackets 6 times ww. (N) - number in brackets indicates the total number of stitches in the row/round Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys MEDIUM PUMPKIN Start crocheting in green color. 1. 6sc in MR or ch2, 6sc in the 2nd ch from the hook (6) 2. 6inc (12) Change color to orange. 3. (Isc, inc)*6 (18) 4. (inc, 2sc)*6 (24) 5. (3sc, inc)*6 (30) 6. Isc, inc, (4sc, inc)*5, 3sc (36) 7-N1. 36sec (36) 5 rounds 12. (4sc, dec)*6 (30) 13. (3sc, dec)*6 (24) 14. (2sc, dec)*6 (18) Stuff the pumpkin with fiberfill slightly to make a needle sculpting later. 15. (Isc, dec)*6 (12) Change color to green. 16. (2sc, dec)*3 (9) 17. (Isc, dec)*3 (6) 18-19. 6sc (6) 2 rounds Crochet 2 extra sc, 1 sl st, cut the yarn, fasten off, tighten the hole, weave in the ends. Shape the pumpkin with a needle sculpting. First, mark the pumpkin with pins into 6 equal parts. Take a long needle and a strong thread. Insert a needle into the base of the pumpkin and stretch the thread so that a small end remains. Make 2 stitches in the same place to secure the thread. Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys Insert the needle between rounds 1 and 2 of the pumpkin at the level of the pin and exit it through the base of the stem, focusing again on the pin. You should get a straight line from the base to the stem of the pumpkin. Apply exactly the thread in the place of the future tightening, squeeze the pumpkin with your fingers and insert the needle in the same place where we started, BUT exit it through a new place at the stem, focusing on another pin, form the second tightening. La ge Squeeze the pumpkin and the working thread a little with your fingers so that the ties are properly formed, Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys After we have done all the tightening, exit the needle through next to the end of the thread, which we left at the very beginning. Cut off the excess and tie a couple of knots, hide the ends. TENDAIL Make the required number of chains, starting in the second chain from the hook, crochet 2 sc in each chain. The number of chains depends on the desired length of your tendril. Cut the yarn, leaving a long end for sewing to the pumpkin. Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys LARGE PUMPKIN Start crocheting in green color. 6sc in MR or ch2, 6sc in the 2nd ch from the hook (6) 6inc (12) Change color to orange. (Isc, inc)*6 (18) . (inc, 2sc)*6 (24) . (Sse, inc)*6 (30) . Isc, ine, (4sc, inc)*5, 3sc (36) . (Sse, inc)*6 (42) 8- 13. 42sc (42) 6 rounds 14. (5sc, dec)*6 (36) 15. (4sc, dec)*6 (30) 16. (3sc, dec)*6 (24) 17. (2sc, dec)*6 (18) Stuff the pumpkin with fiberfill slightly to make a needle sculpting later. 18. Change color to green. (Isc, dec)*6 (12) 19. (2sc, dec)*3 (9) 20. (Isc, dec)*3 (6) 21-23. 6sc (6) 3 rounds Crochet 2 extra sc, 1 sl st, cut the yarn, fasten off, tighten the hole, weave in the ends. You can see how to make needle sculpting and form a pumpkin above in the description of the medium pumpkin.. Crochet the tendril and sew it to the base of the stem Noopwn> SMALL PUMPKIN Start crocheting in green color. 1. 6sc in MR or ch2, 6sc in the 2nd ch from the hook (6) 2. Change color to orange. 6inc (12) 3. (Isc, inc)*6 (18) 4. (inc, 2sc)*6 (24) 5. (3sc, inc)*6 (30) 6-9. 3Osc (30) 4 rounds 10. (3sc, dec)*6 (24) 1. (2sc, dec)*6 (18) Stuff the pumpkin with fiberfill slightly to make a needle sculpting later. 12. (Isc, dec)*6 (12) 13. (2sc, dec)*3 (9) 14. Change color to green. (Isc, dec)*3 (6) 15. 6sc (6) Crochet 1 extra sc, 1 sl st, cut the yarn, fasten off, tighten the hole, weave in the ends. You can see how to make needle sculpting and form a pumpkin above in the description of the medium pumpkin.. Crochet the tendril and sew it to the base of the stem Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys PUMPKINS ARE READY! a Designer Ekaterina Chirkova @chirka_toys

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