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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”

Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Looping: Loop One
In this section, you are going to think, choose and define plan, write, revise and create free
paragraphs on the following Topic: 

Writing Free Topics

1. Take into account:

* Plan: Establish what you are going to write about – a broad theme or topic according to the next
scheme (If you need to insert more figures for establishing your topic, you can do it).


What is

Why does
amnesia occur? Consequences

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”
Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Looping: Loop One
* Write:  Free write for five to tenth minutes on your chosen topic (Remember it’s a free style. You
can write only a paragraph if you wish):

The exact reason why we forget these memories is a mystery, although there are two hypotheses
that offer a possible explanation.

The brain systems that contain our memory experiences seem to function reasonably well within
the first year of life. Babies and toddlers may remember certain things, like getting a gift from their
favourite uncle or breaking a beloved toy. However, after early childhood these memories fade or

As children we can keep some memories that when we leave childhood fade away, this
phenomenon is called 'childhood amnesia '.

One hypothesis is that perhaps the prefrontal cortex of the brain does not contribute adequately to
the formation of memory at very early ages. The memory of an event consists of information that,
when put together, forms a complete picture: when we try to evoke a memory, we use as "a clue"
parts of a memory that are not as relevant as the event itself - for example, the place where one
was standing - but are useful for memory.

Another possibility is that our mental representations of the world - the elements from which we
form our thoughts and memories - are transformed during the first few years of our lives. For
example, learning the home language may well dramatically change the way a child perceives the
world. Thus, it is possible that, with the passage of time, it becomes increasingly difficult to evoke
very early memories, especially those formed by mental representations prior to language.

The flexibility of our brain and its ability to learn fresh information to adapt to new experiences are
very valuable for our survival. Apparently an accidental consequence of these qualities is the
amnesia of our early years. Maturity - that is, leaving our childhood habits behind - can cost us our
first memories.

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”
Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Looping: Loop One

* Reflect: Read what you have written. Analyse. Look for the key idea, the most interesting
thought, the richest detail, the most intriguing or compelling issue. Your goal is to identify the ‘core’
in the text you have generated. Write a sentence that sums up this core:

Our inability to remember many of our early experiences is a phenomenon known as

Childhood Amnesia.

2. Please put in ten lines a short reflection of all process:

Author: Diana Margarita Araque
Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”
Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Looping: Loop One

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor

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