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Ingles II

Alumno: Guadalupe Antonio flores velazquez

Matricula: 142995

Grupo: IA64

Materia: Ingles II

Docente: Mtra. José Alejandro Carrillo Becerra

Actividad de Aprendizaje 1. GIVING MY OPINION

Ciudad: Puebla

Fecha: 04/08/2022
Ingles II

Write in a Word document your opinion about the next topics in about
30 words per each one.

What´s my opinion about…

1.- Using a cellphone during a class?

It is not as bad as most teachers think. I believe that new generations need to use
technology as a learning resource (as long as there are established limits), since it is
increasingly fundamental in their (and our) lives.

2.- Studying online?

It´s the type of education that requires a higher level of responsibility, since it implies a
serious compromise to oneself and organization of both time and resources, which
increases the level of maturity and discipline of each student.

3.- Read books in English?

It is definitely a non-boring way to learn English: it helps to increase vocabulary, improve

reading comprehension and practice pronunciation, when it´s read out loud, all this while
we get to know new stories and worlds.

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