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Etapa 3.

Mi Conexión al Mundo en Otra

Lengua II

Julio Emiliano Martínez Jasso

Dimensión 1. Examen Diagnostico.
Dimensión 2.
Basketball player
Obligations: You must train daily personally and collectively, especially your jumps
and arm exercises
Needs: You need your appropriate sports equipment, uniform shoes and
accessories, gym equipment, a diet and a good rest.
Skills: It is good physically focused on your shots with your arms, your jumps and
agility, coordination of feet and arms.
Soccer player
Obligations: Train daily with the team and personally their resistance, coordination
of legs and strength.
Needs: You need a good diet and rest, in addition to your complete sports
equipment, from studs to uniforms and accessories.
Skills: It has great resistance and strength in the legs, in addition to its coordination
in them.
Obligations: Train your entire body daily to be ready for a fight, strength, speed,
Needs: You need to rest and eat well in addition to your full equipment, such as
gloves and uniform, in addition to sports equipment.
Skills: It has great strength and endurance throughout the body, in addition to a great
Dimensión 3.
Soccer player
Actions carried out in sport as well as the equipment necessary for its practice. The
actions that a footballer performs are very varied, he has to train with the team and
apart from the personal daily, tactical sports training, he has to prepare himself
psychologically for everything, speed training, resistance, strength, explosiveness,
coordination among others. The equipment you should have for your practice are
balls, a court, gym equipment and for the studs, the complete uniform, sports
accessories, among other things.
Skills that are acquired. A footballer acquires many things with the aforementioned,
with training he acquires strength, speed, speed, start, explosiveness, a better
mentality, coordination in the legs, in short he has a better physical and
psychological state compared to someone who does not exercise .
Obligations of the athlete. The athlete's obligations to reach his maximum level are;
work hard in training, rest well after these to recover muscles, eat well always to be
perfectly nourished and perform in your sports area.
Dimensión 4. Tríptico.

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